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Customer Commentary

We are honored to have been considered as one of the top dachshund breeders on: welovedoodles.com, pupvine.com, dachshundknow.com, shelterapet.com, dachworld.com, dog-breeds-expert.com and wowpooch.com


We love hearing from our past puppy families

Here are a few clients' comments on our Songcatcher Dachshunds.

Hey guys, Henry and Donna here. Fig is doing great.

Hi Josh & Jake,

Just wanted to send an update.

I got Doc from you guys almost a year ago now! He is from Suzanna and Ritzs litter.

We celebrated his first birthday a month and a half ago. He is such a loving, mischievous boy.

I cant thank you enough — I can’t imagine my life without him!!

Erin & Doc

Hi Jake and Josh,

I wanted to send you a quick update and some photos of our puppy named Riggy, short for Rigatoni, that we got from you in mid march (born to Mandy and Ritz).

We could not have asked for a better dog! He has the best temperament. He is calm, sweet, loving and playful. We love taking him in public because he is so well behaved and people can’t believe what a handsome dog his is!

Thank you so much for breeding and raising such wonderful dogs. When we are ready for a second, you will be hearing from us :)

-Brianne, Brian & Riggy

We are obsessed with him already! he is so sweet and has already taken to his crate so quickly (I remember it being more of a nightmare with the dachshunds I had previously). thanks so much again for such a well tempered boy.

Our hearts and home are full with these two in it. Opal Diana is very affectionate, patient and faithful. Matilda Anne is devoted, fierce and kindhearted. They are a perfect match.
Hope you are all well.
Warmly, The Chriss Family

Penny’s doing great. It’s amazing how many people tell me how sweet she is. Are not all dachshunds sweet?

Hope all is well.

Bruce & Penny

Hi Jake and Josh,
Wanted to give up an update on our Penny girl. Now at almost 5 months old she is the most fun thing going on here. She’s a bundle of energy and joy. We had our 1st Humane Society puppy training class which she nailed! Has all her shots and waiting for her 2nd giardia test to return but she’s healthy, happy and very busy. Each morning she and our 12 lb cat play, roll around and chase each other around the kitchen. I believe having her here while I was convalescing from my fractured pelvis got me up and moving besides being great company. She is almost 8 lbs now. Potty training is happening but slowly. She’s very social and happy to meet everyone and every thing. Big dogs don’t faze her much and she loves snooping about the stables with all its interesting smells. Sleeps through the night…..tho with me.
We all love her along with everyone she meets. Great disposition. Thanks so much!


Hope y'all are well!

Our shaded cream dachshund we got from you in December, Otto, is doing very well. He's grown into a beautiful young adult. Here's a picture of him:

Thank you,
Paul K.

Sent you some pics of Dodger at 6 months. He's doing great!
Mike C.

Our puppies (no longer puppies) are celebrating their second birthday today. They are cousins.

Franklin is the short haired guy wearing the orange sweater. He is adventuresome and playful. He is always cold which is why he always wears a sweater. He weighs 14 pounds and is a terrific watchdog. When we were picking out puppies we were told that he loves to sit on laps. Boy he sure does. He is very smart. Teresa has trained him to press buttons that say what he wants and he does a good job of communicating with us.

Oliver is the long haired boy. He knows he is a pretty boy and loves to make sure everyone adores his beauty. He likes to sit in the middle of the room on a hardwood floor in a sphinx position. He weighs 18.5 pounds and we have to watch him because he eats like a horse. If Franklin is always cold, Oliver is always hot. He has a thick coat and a layer of body fat that keeps him warm. In summer we have to watch out because he is prone to heat stroke. He is not as adventurous as Franklin, but he loves to be petted. Oliver loves to spend time in our back yard looking for squirrels. When he sees one he defends our house from them. The squirrels love to get his attention and they egg him on.

These two boys have brought so much joy into our lives. I wanted to share these thoughts with you.
James D.

Happy solar eclipse day and 13 week birthday from “Manfred” (Baron Manfred von Richthofen)
We’re enjoying him so much!!!
Sherri and Art

Hey Josh -- Sage is growing up!

It’s been a while since I sent pictures of the pups you got for us a few years back. Lucy is the golden dog and Lizzy is the plump little black dog.

They are the best of pals, play all day long and sleep with us on our king size bed.

We are fortunate to have them and thankful we met you. Without you we would still be looking!!

Hopefully you had a Happy Easter. If you need a recommendation from us, have your prospect call me. You will always get the best recommendation possible!!
Dan and Kay Dunham from Reno

Thank you again for our puppy - born in October to Clementine - our bashful little Po (plupo) has completed our family. When not accompanying us to work as the most polite boy, we spend our days on beach adventures or searching for the best stick on the block. He’s still sassy but has our and we couldn’t be happier!
Thanks again - The Sloan’s

Hi Songcatcher,

Just thought I'd send you a few photos of Duncan Heinz from his 1st birthday on 3/16. He's a very sweet boy and adores his brother Cooper. Hope all is well!

Noel & Taygun
Healdsburg, CA

Here is Max's most recent portrait. He is 1 1/2 yrs old now. Such a handsome and regal boy

Franky is doing great. He's starting to get used to his new house and he's very happy. We love him.
Jenny J.

Hi Jake and family,

Happy New Year! We wanted go give you an update on Lillie right after he first birthday! As soon as she saw Meelo, she was so happy to be in our home. She is the best little pup in the world and Meelo adores her. We are always loooking at your available puppies, in hopes of getting a wired haired doxie!


Justin & Sarah

Hi Jake,
Penny is doing great …. Smart little pup.

Hope you’re all well.

Good evening!

I got Beans from Alice x Ritz 9/11 litter. I just wanted to send a few pics of her. She’s become quite the adventure pup, thank you for such a quality dog!

Megan O.

Hi guys,
I want to thank you for doing such a good job of socializing Miss Penny for me! She’s adjusting to her new home..I think quite well. She sleeps in her crate next to my bed w hardly a whimper, sleeps at night a minimum of 4-5 hours , eats her food right up, drinks plenty of water, try’s to shake her toys to death, has hysterical morning zoomies and almost pees on command, seems to accept that 2 cats rule the house and follows me about with my scary noisy walker…. Which I’m hoping I won’t be using by next week.
She has definitely wormed her way into all of our hearts!


Hi I hope you are well!

Just a quick update! This is from Christmas time. We love our little boy so much! Thank you again (:

Just an update, Basil had a great first day with us. By 5 pm yesterday she was playing and running around. She's eating and settling in well. Thank you from all of us.

Vincent S


Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. Tilly (in her new sweater I made her for Christmas) added a whole new, joyful dimension to ours!

Thank you so much for providing me with such a SWEET, LOVING, ADORABLE, puppy! Everyone and every dog Tilly meets loves her, too…

Nancy P.


Penny is doing great. She is the princess of the house and loving life. Well, except for walks, but she goes. Really prefers trail walks which we do in the winter.

Hope everyone is well.

Bruce and Penny

Lulu, Max and Leisl wish you and yours a very Happy Holiday!! We are all still in love. They are the most amazing blessing anyone could hope for!!!
Mary and Fred

Hey Jake,

Just wanted to thank you and you family again. Plupo is fitting right in and has be amazing from day 1. Hope you all have a happy holidays!

Sam + Nikki

Hi Josh,
Thank you again for allowing us to adopt this sweet girl! We decided to name her “Winnie” and she is doing really good so far… ate some food last night and this morning. She is already using her ramp and loves to play and snuggle. She is such a sweetheart! Also thank you for allowing us to reach out anytime if we have questions. Just wanted to share an update and some pics.
Christine H.

Hi Josh and Jake,

I got Doc from you guys on August 1 from Suzanna and Ritz litter. I just wanted to update you about how he is doing!

He is the sweetest boy, and everyone always comments on how calm he is for 6 months! I have included some pictures of him - hope you all are having a great holiday.


She is a dream, daddy’s baby!! Looking forward to another pup from you guys, one pup at a time!!
Stewart Family

Thank you so much for the info and advice. We love our little guys and want them to be the healthiest they can be.
Nina A

Hello Jake and Josh wishing you and your family holiday wishes. Our Sadie is such a great Dog, thanks for your great breeding of this wonderful breed.

Jim O


We wanted to send some updated photos of Bella. She has settled in nicely and we love her so much!
Amy S.


Hope you've been well! It was Cosmo's first birthday yesterday (from Gypsy and Ritz's litter). He's the most wonderful little big guy (14.3 pounds): healthy and full of energy and personality. Can't imagine my life without him - thank you!!!

Amanda T.

Chalupa is 1 today! He attends physical therapy every week in Vienna Virginia. Here is his birthday photo and his photo at his PT. Thought you might want to know how he is doing! We love him so much!


Haven’t sent you any pictures recently of our 2 girls, but you can see they are thriving and doing well. They sleep under the covers and they are a joy to have around.

Remember to refer people to me if they need a recommendation.
Dan D.

Hi Jake & Josh,

I thought I would send you some recent pictures of the boys. Duncan is almost 8 months old in a couple of weeks and sure is a big boy! He is extremely loving and adores Cooper.
Hope all is well and we will be in touch soon (we are still debating about adding a third ??)!

Noel & Taygun

Hi Jake and Josh!

I wanted to check in with you both and give an update on Daphne.

She has been such a great pup. She is so social and friendly to other people and dogs. She has been doing really well with our elderly German shorthair too. I attached some pictures so you could see how her coloring has shifted. She has stayed pretty dark but her face has gotten a bit lighter. She is so cute and we all love her so much!

I had to move home to South Dakota for a few months due to a medical emergency, so she got to see her first snow and loved it.

Thank you so much!

Hi Jake & Josh!

This is Leah B, my husband, Ryan, and I purchased a Joker x Goldie puppy from you December 2022. He’s doing great, we named him Rowan. We’ve been considering getting another puppy from you.

Thanks so much,
Leah B.

Milo is growing and playing with the others. Thank you again.
Hope your well.


We celebrated Tilly’s first birthday today with one of her many friends (Annie). Then, we went to a second birthday party with her cousins (Rascal and Bella).

Loving this sweet little girl!


Hi there,

Hope you are doing well! The puppy I got (Clifford) is doing amazing, he is truly the best pup I could ever ask for. He is well mannered, beautiful coloring, and has the best personality that is a mix of lots of playtime and long naps :) he really is the perfect fit to our family! Attached are some pictures :)


Hi Jake,

I hope you are all well! I wanted to send some photos of our pup, who is just about a year and a half old. He has been an amazing addition to our family and we are so happy with him.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Melissa M

Just wanted to show you how cute Olivia is without her cherry eye. She was already cute but she is even cuter now. She recovered fine and has been cherry eye free without issues for a few months now.

Just wanted to let you know the boys are doing fabulous! They are such good babies and rarely cry. They are eating and drinking and generally having fun playing all day! Thank you sooo much we just adore them!

We adore our new family member! We named him Koda (little bear) as his German Shepherd brother’s name is Kuma (bear). As expected, Koda runs the show. He’s so confident and playful. He’s a quick learner and so sweet. He goes everywhere with me!
Thank you for such a special fur baby!
The Maxcy Family

Hello, our doxie Daisy is almost a year old and she’s been a great addition to our family!
Andrew S.

Hi Josh and Jake. This is Lindsay and Dillon from Santa Cruz CA. Just sending some updated pictures of Marlin and Mochi. We love them so much! Mochi is the smartest dog in the world. Also very sneaky and calculated. It cracks us up. Marlin is a sweetie pie and seeing that we got him after Mochi, he is very attached to her and follows her everywhere. It is very cute. They are polar opposites which keeps things interesting. Mochi is definitely the boss around here. Her favorite toy is a plastic foot. (seen in pictures)

Roly’s almost 1, birthday 10/8
Thomas Family

Jake and Josh,
Tilly has brought so much joy into my life since I picked her up last December 26th. There aren’t words that can describe how much I love her (and I think she loves me????????).

Just wanted you to know she’s in loving hands…

Nan P

Hi Jake and Josh!

I wanted to give you an update after several days with the pup!

I have been so impressed with how relaxed and sweet she is. I've never seen a puppy of any kind that is so laid back and friendly up front! We have gone out on several walks (her in a bag) and she has been doing great getting used to the sights and sounds of SF. She has met some of my friends as well and is very happy to meet new people and be held by them.

As you said, the first few days she wasn't into eating her kibble without the appetite stimulant. I would say that by Friday she started showing interest in treats (her kibble) as a positive reinforcement. She was very mellow that first day but by halfway through Wed her spunk and active personality has come through!

She loves to play and run around. I have a couple of chewy toys for her but she also likes an old t-shirt and socks. She sleeps just as hard as she plays too. I got an X-pen for her, so we play there a lot. When I have to leave the apartment for a minute to do something, she has been pretty good in the X-pen. Sometimes she cries a bit and others it's like I never left. She definitely likes to see me/be near me pretty much at all times, unless she is sniffing around!

She has been an excellent night-time sleeper too! She has been going to bed around 9/10 pm or so and wakes up between 5-6:30 am, sometimes sleeps through the night, and other times she will wake me up once in the middle of the night. She figured out how to use the bathroom on the potty pads very quickly and had no problem with that which was also a pleasant surprise to me!

I will say she has been quite bitey on skin and fingers, which is of course normal for puppies, but do you have any best practices for that?

As for her coloring- I would say she has maybe gotten a tad lighter on the top of her head. I'll have to look at some photos from last week. She has been shedding a bit!

Thank you so much!

Hi Josh & Jake,

Thank you so much for everything. I am in love with my little guy! I named him Doc, and he has so much personality. I’ve attached a few pictures of him. He isn’t scared of anything, and has done amazing at potty training. He also sleeps through the night.

Thank you again!!


We wanted to share how much we adore our sweet doxie…now known as Samson.
He’s a complete angel, and we feel really lucky we have him in our lives. Here’s a photo of him with his brother and in his little carrier.
We hope you are well,
Mara S.

Hi Jake & Josh!
We made it home and the pups are all settled in. We had to give her bath... she did get car sick on the way home! She's all clean and cuddled up with Mike on the couch and napping. Happy as can be. Beans likes her but is still a bit unsure why shes in his house, lol.

She found a rock that interested her, haha.


It’s been a while since I sent you pictures of our Lizzy and Lucy.

As you can see they live the “Life of Riley!” We are grateful you were kind enough to let us have them and include them as family members.

If you need a reference at any time, let me talk to them and I’ll sell another dog for you.
Dan D.
Reno, Nv


Just a note to say that Cosmo’s neutering last month went well and that he is simply the most wonderful dog and a perfect fit for me. Not to mention my dad, who texts me more in a week for Cosmo updates/photos than he did in a month for how I was doing ^^ and my folks’ otherwise prickly rescue dog - who now absolutely adores him. Thanks again for taking the time to talk through personalities/lifestyle and to have us come to meet him at 5 weeks. I’m sure you have plenty of testimonials, but obviously please don’t hesitate to use me as a reference for people in the Bay Area or elsewhere.

Have a wonderful summer!


Hello Jake and Josh:

Sadie is 5 years old today and we are celebrating her birthday -- cake for us and Greenies for her!

A picture of her is attached.

We wish you and your family all the best, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Carol and Ken

The other dogs really like the pup. Moxie is really mothering him.

This is Kaya now. 1 year old
Emma V.

We just wanted to give a quick update on our sweet Luna. She is doing so well. We are obsessed with her, she’s the most beautiful (now 7 months old) puppy. She goes everywhere with us. She runs the house, but her temperament and personality fit seamlessly into our family. Her big sister is a 90-pound lab mix and they play so well together.

We are already planning for our next puppy, it will be a little while, but we can’t wait to add another beautiful ween to our brood. Thank you for this wonderful addition to our family.
Molly D.

Hi everyone!

It’s Michelle D. and I just wanted to send a quick update to let you know how happy and healthy our dog is! Bette Davis is the absolute light of our lives. She’s gentle, EXTREMELY playful and never leaves my side. However, she hates her nail trims and waking up before 10 am!

Please give Opal and Dapper Dan our love and let them know their little girl is having a great life.

Enjoy the holiday weekend and as always, thank you for our wonderful dog.

2 years ago this little boy was born. He has been the best boy we could have ever asked for. We love him so very much.
Khrystal Q,


My name is Jenny B. My husband Zac & I picked up our baby boy pup from you a couple weeks ago. We named him Petey. I imagine you may wonder how your babies fare after they leave you… I just wanted to share how wonderful he is doing. He is so happy & I think he loves his new home. We love him immensely, and our other dogs & cat have warmed up. He’s such a good boy! He is healthy. He is loved.
We are so grateful, thank you!!

Hello Jake & Josh! I hope you and your family are doing well. Here are some pictures of Dot. She's almost 6 months now! She's such a sweet, calm and intelligent girl! She brings so much joy to our lives everyday. Thank you for the most wonderful addition to our family!

Kevin H.


Hope everything has been going okay with you with all the snow and wild weather we had this winter.

Cosmo (now 21 weeks) is such a joy. He’s started going to training school for adolescent dogs for a few hours during the week here in SF and the trainers there say he’s the best-tempered dachshund they’ve ever had. They volunteered (without me prompting them ^^) that his breeding really shows and I totally agree; as he's gotten older he has so many wonderful qualities that I'd love to take credit for, but can tell he came with. (First photo attached is grabbed from the school's Instagram Story since they're much better at filmography than me - and most of my photos are of him asleep...)

As wonderful as he is, I did plan on leaving the breeding to the professionals and getting him neutered eventually. My vet suggested that I ask what age you would recommend for it based on your experience. 1 year? Longer?



Hey there!

We just wanted to email, firstly to let you know that in the next few months or so, we will be interested in a brother for Milo. :)

Milo is doing so great, he’s currently healing from his neutering. He did have Cryptorchidism (failure of one testicular to descend into the scrotum), the dr was able to just guide it down once they opened him up, so nothing additional was needed. Milo is officially part human; as he is with me or someone else in the family, 24hrs a day?? and we love it. He’s rambunctious and loving and spoiled. His favorite snack is yogurt with berries and his favorite activity is jumping in the bathtub when I’m washing my hands or brushing my teeth.

He’s one of the best things to happen to our family. We can’t wait to get our next puppy from you guys. Here are some updated pictures of our Milo. He also has an Instagram @Milo.Mirabal

Nina A

Hello Zanocco family!

I hope this email finds you all well. Husband Dan and I purchased Genie from the Aug 9, 2021 Joker x Ginger litter. She's such a sweet girl! As she nears her second birthday, we feel ready to bring home another Songcatcher pup. Ideally, we would bring him home Oct-Dec.

I know that you do not take wait-list requests, but Dan and I would love a long-haired dapple male. Do you anticipate any litters with that coat/coloring being born towards the end of the year?

We are very serious about this inquiry, and I would be happy to place a deposit now to secure our spot.

I have attached some photos of Genie, including one from our trip to Cannon Beach, OR. She loves the sand but not so much the waves!

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best,

Dear Jake and Josh,

Arlo (as we are calling Brown Sugar’s shaded red male) whimpered for about 10 minutes then settled on my husband’s lap for the drive back to Berkeley. He was not car sick and managed the ride well. We have settled him in a pen in our kitchen and he surprised us by eating a handful of kibble without any of the appetite stimulator. I will stay in touch as he becomes accustomed to his new home. He is a beautiful puppy - thank you.


Hi Josh. I just wanted to give you a little update. Loki is doing very well. Still trying to get the hang of potty outside. He is growing and is quite the eater. He is scheduled for a surgery in April for an umbilical hernia. Otherwise he is doing amazing!!

Leisel has slept like a rock thru the night since the first night we had her. She is NOT shy with the other pups, but takes them on like a pro when they play. So strange to see such a petite girly girl with such moxie! We are protecting her if Max gets too rough, but they are all finding thru way. I think she's going to end up being the alpha of the pack! Eating well too. We are totally in love.
Mary T.

Hi Jake,

I wanted to send you a current photo of our sweet boy, Chalupa Batman. He’s growing at a healthy rate and just finished his final set of shots. He’s doing really well on potty training, uses the stairs, plays for hours, and loves to as we would say, fly like a squirrel! Here’s a video of yesterday and a current photo. We love him so much and he has turned out to be a really good puppy. Thank you so much!!

Thank you
Josh and Darla G

He is sooooo cute. Eating now, drank a little water too. I love him so much!!

Billie F.

Hi Josh and Jake
These two are almost inseparable. Clover took right to Elsa from day one and gives up all her toys if Elsa takes them. They run and play fighter biter and have a ball. Clover has to supervise Elsa’s grooming to be sure she is ok. Salt and pepper couple.
They are great company and companions.

Here’s a update picture of Mystro. He is now 9months and an absolute sweetheart. He loves his walks and playing in puddles
Tiffanie P.

Hi Jake and Josh!

Just wanted to send some photos of our little Franklin. He has adjusted very well to his new home! He’s a super sweet little guy who absolutely loves to be cozy and cuddle more than anything. We love him so much! Thank you!!!

Lily & Tyler

Hi Jake,

We just wanted to share with you how pleased we are with our babies. Cherry Bomb, from Grendox He’s a Pistol and Nuforest’s California Dreaming, is 3 now and doing great and little Boo Bear turned 1 on January 22nd. She was from Gypsy and Hank’s litter. Hope you and your family are doing well. Thank you again for our sweet little girls.

Thank you,
Melissa and Jasen
Carson City, NV

Hi Jake and Josh
Elsa just loved her first snow day. She played and played. Brought her in for a warm rinse to get the snow off. Clover didn’t like it. She ran out then froze in one spot whining till we carried her back in. Food wouldn’t even get her to move to come to us. We had house shoes on. Had to go out bare footed to pick her up. Good thing there is dry ground under the eaves for her to go outside. She is the first dachshund we have had that didn’t love snow.
Bet you had a lot of snow.

Hello!! I just wanted to reach out and let you know Millie is fitting into our family so perfectly!!! She has had no problem! She eats her food and is very comfortable and snuggly! We just love her so much! She definitely does not lack personality! Thank you so much for our newest most perfect addition to our family!
Mekenna B

Hi Jake & Josh,

Thought I'd send in some photos from Cooper's 1st birthday today. As you can see he is extremely handsome! We get so many compliments on his coloring and he is a very happy, intelligent & loving little cuddler. We hope to give him a brother soon! Take care.

Noel & Taygun

Hello Jake,

I wanted to let you know our boy is doing so great!! He’s slept through the night since day one, is doing his business outside with minimal accidents inside. He’s eating very well, and is adapting perfectly! We love him so much! My husband named him Sir Chalupa Batman. It’s from one of our favorite shows, The League. Thank you so much!
Darla G

Our new pups (Elliot & Olivia) are doing great. We are having a blast. She will have her eye and spay surgery in July. We are so grateful to you for giving us a loving home again.

Jake, you were so right at this shaded cream lightening up. He is so beautiful. 4 months on 2/8. Only struggle is potty training. He is a real sweetheart
Elaine T.

There are no words to express how much love and joy Tilly has brought into my life in just one short month!!! She is a “DOLL”, so SWEET and LOVING. Just want you to know she has brought so much happiness into my life and how loved she is.
Nancy P

He picked out his blanket.


Update on Maple and Scotty, the Dapple Duo: Maple- smooth coated
dapple female and Scotty- long-hair dapple male. They will be 2 years
old in July (Maple) and August (Scotty) of 2023.

Thank you to everyone at Songcatcher!
Jeanette B.

The dapple boy from Gypsy's litter. I named him Cosmo because of the star freckles on his nose. He's doing great and his personality and energy are such a delight. His first meetings with my parents' dog also went even better than we'd hoped (all the credit to Cosmo). Thank you!!!


Good evening, Jake.

I wanted to update you that Otto is a vibrant, funny, social, confident (and a little bit of a brute) of a little guy and he has our hearts. He’s 9 lbs, with giant meaty paws which he uses to dig holes everywhere. He’s enjoying life and we are a complete family now that he’s home with us.

I’m attaching some photos so you can see what a handsome hound he’s growing up to be.
Hope you had a happy holiday season!

Janie, Adam and Otto

Thank you so much for all your help. She made it home without getting sick and the first night went surprisingly well. She is such a sweet little girl and we love her so much. Hope you have a great day!
Kevin H.

Hi Jake, Josh, and other Zanocco family members:

Lots of rain in California these days. See the attached picture of Sadie in her raincoat!

Happy 2023!

Carol and Ken


Just a brief update on my baby boy Mystro! He’s now 6 months and the happiest most good boy ever. I can’t believe how big he’s gotten, must be all that yummy raw goodness he gets, he eats better than me! As it should be. Thank you for all you do giving us the best present we could ever ask for.
Best regards Tiffanie P.

We haven’t decided on a name yet, but we are all in love! The little on ate, drank and has snuggled up with each of us. Thank you again and Merry Christmas!
Andrew S.


Penny sure loves her advent calendar. She’s doing great, hope you are too. 


Winston turned 2 today. Still so thankful for you guys!! He’s the light of our lives and spoiled rotten! Lol. Thought you’d like to see a couple pictures.
Emily J.

Penny is such a blessing!!! Thank you!
Marci E.


Hi Jake

Happy Holidays!! I just had to send you some pictures of this handsome boy. We love him so much. ????

Thank you


We just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and to
thank you for such an amazing dog! We decided to name her Cleopatra (Cleo for short) and she’s been the greatest addition to our family this year. She’s a huge ball of energy with the best personality and even became best friends with our other dog right away.

Here are some update pictures of Cleo if you’re interested. We want to say thank you again and Wish your family a happy holiday season!

Best wishes,
Mary & Violetta

Hi Josh and Jake- this is Lindsay and Dillon who adopted from you last June. We are thinking about getting another dog soon, as Mochi wants a friend. She is six months now and sooo cute. Are you expecting any litters that would be ready to be taken home around the week of December 10th? I have two months off of work starting at that time and thought it would be a good time to add to our family.
Here’s Mochi now! She loves the beach
-Lindsay and Dillon

This is Franklin. I sent you an article about our dogs that was published last week. I can send you that picture as well.

Both dogs are fabulous pets. They are going through obedience training and there are two other dachshunds in class, but they are nowhere as beautiful as ours.

The other dog is Oliver. He is the watchdog and is a real squirrel chaser. He almost caught one over the weekend. Now he sits by the french door in our kitchen all day and barks at the squirrels who are ubiquitous in our back yard.

Franklin is still the lap hooger, but he is getting big and does not fit as well on laps anymore. Plus Oliver wants some of the lap action as well. Franklin is an inquisitive daredevil. Franklin does not like cold weather because his coat is so thin.



Hi, Jake and Josh!

Just wanted to let you know that we made it home safely with Noodle and he seems to be settling in well so far. His appetite has been healthy and he's mostly sleeping through the night.

He's really sweet, has been our constant shadow, and is making good introductions with our other dogs. We'll send another update in a couple of weeks, but we just wanted to say thank you for providing us with the newest member of the pack.



Just thought I would share Mystro’s 2 outfits I picked for the month of October. We’re having a costume contest at work and I’m pretty sure the only puppy there is a sure fire winner lol!

Best regards, Tiffanie

Hi Jake and Josh. Here is our beautiful sweet Elsa before and after she grew up. She is so Loving. She gets brushed almost every day. She loves the attention. She can out run Clover. Clover is about 1/2” behind her and can’t catch her. Elsa has a longer stride. So funny to see them run laps around the house.

My beautiful baby boy is 4 months already, how time flys! I’m so overwhelmed with the happiness he has brought to our friends and family, I look forward to the many years ahead. Thank you for our wonderful gift

Tiffanie P.

Hi Jake and Josh,

I just wanted to give you an update of how the puppy is doing!

He is so sweet, and cuddly. He loves his toys, and he runs around my house doing zoomies with Ziggy. It took him and Ziggy a few weeks to get used to each other and for the puppy to come out of his shell, but his full personality is showing and he's the cutest thing. He's growing well and his color is beautiful. I had him on puppy food and he doesn't like it. He likes Ziggy's adult food better, so I am trying to figure out how to get him to eat puppy food.

His name is Zeke by the way. I attached a current photo of him for you



Hi Josh!

I’m not sure if you remember me but my name is Ashlyn B. I was lucky enough to take home one of your black and cream dapples early 2021. Her name is Daisy and we love her so much. Daisy was able to grow up with one of my older dogs, but sadly he recently passed away. We are looking to get another mini dachshund to add to the family. I was wondering what litters you have coming up in the future? I had a great experience purchasing Daisy with your family the first time and would love to do so again. Let me know when you get the chance, thank you!

Ashlyn B

Otto is adapting quickly! He's sleeping the night in his crate with no problem. Seems to know his name. Has zoomies in the yard and has quickly taken to cuddling everyone.
Janie and Family

Hello to everyone at Songcatcher!

I wanted to let you know that it’s been almost two years since our puppy was born and the time is FLYING by. Little Bette Davis sends her best to her first family and wants to tell you how well she is doing! She loves hanging out outside, getting into trouble with her big sister, Coco and of course, mealtimes.

I hope you have healthy and happy litters this Fall season and are looking forward to the holidays. Please give extra pets to Opal and Dapper Dan! Thanks again and always for our special girl.

Kind regards,
Michelle and Bette Davis (aka “Peanut”)

Hi Jake,

This is Keely, our three year old from you, born October 22, 2019. Mother is Gidget and Sire is Willie.



Pretzel turned TWO this week. He’s doing great and is so so spoiled! We are obsessed and love him so much!


Hi Jake and Josh,

We are moving back to Roseville, CA. Nelly is doing amazing, no health issues of any kind and sticking to the 1/2 raw 1/2 kibble diet.

She is extremely social with big and small dogs. Also, she is a very good swimmer and is obsessed with all water.

Photos attached:
1: first bday pupcakes (her first treat outside of her diet and took her 4 days to eat it all)
2: full puppy dog eyes
3: regal shot
4: first time in a pool

Thank you for your assistance sirs,

Cody & Kaitlin

Just wanted to reach out and say this is Diesel, one of your puppies. He just turned 17 on August 18th and I'm hoping he makes it to his golden birthday next year. Diesel is an amazing dog he has never had any serious health problems, is so sweet, and even to this day still wants to romp around and play every morning.
I just lost my 15 YO grey dapple Remy recently and although he was my baby and no other dog could ever replace him, I am looking forward to possibly getting a new sweet baby from you guys in the next few years.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to cherish Diesel. He is definitely a spoiled boy.

With gratitude
-Cierrah Anson

Just wanted to let you know how awesome our little man Mouse is getting along with the family. We already learned how to sit and fetch! And has made numerous fans at my job! I can’t get over just how much personality fits into such a small body. I’m having the best time watching him with all his first everything.

With best regards,
The Simmons Family

Milo’s First Time At The Beach
-Nina A

Great talking with to you this morning. Here are some video and pictures we’ve taken of Milo.
Nina A

Hello Songcatcher Family!

We wanted to share an update on Willow. We celebrated her 1st birthday on 8/17/22 and here are some pictures from the paw-ty! She is such a stubborn little princess, so it was only fitting to treat her like royalty on her special day ??


Hi Jake and Josh ......... here is the first update of our little Tilly with her big brother Jameson. It was love at first sight !! Tilly is eating fine and playing hard with big brother. Last night when we put Tilly in her bed for the night big brother had to sleep right next to the crate and stay next to her all night. Thank you soooooo much for our little cutie ......and Jameson says thank you too.

He hated the car ride, but we stopped for a bite to eat at an outdoor diner and he was a perfect gentleman, he behaved so good! He’s loving his new surroundings. Thank you for giving us a wonderful gift
Tiffanie P

It’s Dan D. from Reno. I have not sent you pictures of Lizzy and Lucy lately, so I took this one tonight and thought you might like seeing that they are both doing well. Lizzy, on the right is turning into a great little dog and a great addition to our family. We feel lucky that we met you when we did. Hopefully all is well with you and your family, and your gang of dogs. Have a great week.

In honor of Memphis's first birthday wanted to give you an update. Our family couldn't love this happy boy more. He is so loved and we enjoy having him every day.

Hi Jake

It was a pleasure meeting you and your son today. Thank you so much for letting us visit. We thoroughly enjoyed visiting with you and your son, as well as the next member of our family !!!! Your amazing knowledge of dachshunds and breeding, and your wiliness to share a little bit of that knowledge with us was very much appreciated. We could have stayed and talked to you all day. We are very excited and can hardly wait to bring our new little one home to meet her new “big brother” Jameson. We are looking forward to getting updates on her progress. Thank you so much for sharing part of your busy day with us.

Linda and Dan C

Good morning Jake

It has been a year since we brought this cutie home with us. We couldn’t be happier. Louie is a great puppy and we love him so much. He loves to be outside and is very active. Thank you so much for this blessing. Have a great day!!

Thank you
Khrystal and Dallas K

Hi Jake and Josh!

Genie is almost a year old now. She is sweet, gentle, and so friendly. Everywhere we go, people comment on what a gorgeous and good-natured girl she is. It would be impossible for anyone to love a dog more than we love our Bean.

Thank you so much!
Alex and Dan

Happy Fourth of July, From Opal
Julie D.

Hello Josh- I wanted to send you and your father a photo of our boy Finnegan on his first birthday!
Holly Hollinger

These are the 2 girls (Figgy{dark coat} & Honey {red coat}) .... with Finnegan in the background.
Please share with your dad and thank him again for the girls!.....

Hi! Just thought I’d say hi. We have named the little guy Lazlo. He is doing great. So much fun. Doesn’t like being alone but he’s adjusting really well. He’s sleeping in at least 4 hour increments and somehow we tired him out so much playing he slept until 5:30 am Sunday. I think we just got lucky, but he is doing really good. We love him to pieces.

Hope you had a great weekend! Thank you again!

Dawn, Joel and Lazlo M

Hi Jake,
We sure do love Love LOVE this dog! Marty is such a joy. Thank you! I’d love to get in touch in a year or two about a sibling dog but for now he seems happy to be the “only child.” —Annika

Ps. Here he is at the farmers market in Portland. Flew on the plane just fine.

Here’s a picture of Bodhi… He’s doing great… I think he’s going to be huge… His paws are bigger than my adult Doxies. He has inserted himself into the family and he is doing great! I wonderful personality!
Kim C.


Vivero Family

Pau continues to do great! He's getting his 12 week shots today.
Michelle M

Good morning Jake And Josh just wanted to send you a couple pictures of Chopper letting you know how much we’re loving him, and he is growing fast and healthy has all his shots now, still on raw diet, just want to let you guys know we love him, and wanted to say thank you, he means the world to us
Larry M

Best friends snoozing together
Jim D

Hi Jake this is Max he is 3 years old now and we just love him to pieces thought you'd like to see him he's the best dog we've ever had hope all is well
Mark and Paula.

Jake and Josh

We made it home with our two puppies. We named the short haired fellow Franklin because my son swears he resembles FDR. (Personally I don't see it and I wanted to call him Winston.) The long haired fellow is named Oliver, after our blond dachshund, Olivia, who passed away last year. Oliver is a lot like Olivia and is very smart.

Oliver has clearly established himself as the alpha male, but Franklin is the most curious. Franklin gets into everything. Franklin is whining weiner. When he wants something (like getting out of the crib), he whines. The two dogs are great friends. I let them chase each other back and forth in the kitchen for 45 minutes. Boy they sure rough house with each other. They slept well for several hours after that.

Oliver is the better eater. He is a porker. He devours his food. Franklin is much pickier. We feed them at opposite ends of the room so Oliver does not steal Franklin's food.

Franklin loves shoelaces. He grabs them and runs. He likes to untie shoes. He also figured out how to open up the zipper in the doggie playpen and get out.

Franklin had his first vet appointment and is now microchipped. We cannot get Oliver to the vet until June 26th.

We are so fortunate to have two wonderful dogs who keep us young. So happy that we were able to get Oliver to keep Franklin company.


Jim D.

Hi Jake
I thought I would send you some photos of Cooper (one of Opal & Day Dreamers pups) born 2/20/22!
He's such a great, smart & happy little boy, today he's 4 mos old. He loves fetching & actually brings back his toys to us plus knows how to sit on command.
Noel & Taygun

Hi Jake and Josh,

It's Pliny's (Joker and Cinnamon's chocolate/cream male) first birthday! He's enjoying his life in Livermore, CA with me and my fiancé. He is honestly the best thing to happen to us this past year and we couldn't imagine life without him. He enjoys going to doggy daycare, sleeping on the couch, and stealing our socks. He is the most stubborn and sassy dog we've ever met, but is also the biggest cuddle-bug, and we would not change one thing about him. Thank you so much for choosing us to be his family!

Arianna R.

Elsa went on her first real off the grid camping trip this week to Mt Lassen. She was the hit of the camp site loop.

Hi Jake,

She continues to be amazing - so perfect, so intelligent, so loving and hilarious. She is eating us out of house and home and now weighs about 7 lbs. She and our 16 y/o Leo, are getting along quite well, although he still has to reprimand her when she gets her teeth into him…

Thank you for making this time in our life so wonderful!!

Mary and Fred

Hello Jake:

Sadie is 4 years old today. How time flies!

Last month we had a professional photographer come to our house to take pictures of her. The best picture of her is attached.

Enjoy your summer!

Carol and Ken

Today we're celebrating pebbles 1st birthday! She's our little princess and we love her so much. Thank you for her!

Remington, “Remmie” has taken well to his humans. Thank you.
Angela W.

Hello Josh, we are in love.
Julie C.

We absolutely adore our Georgie!

This is how we went to my sons Tball practice today haha

He sleeps like a human lol

Shannon D.

Hi Jake, just wanted to share a few updates of the puppies. They got groomed today and they are loving life and loving each other.
Candace P.

Settling in. Took a bit for him to get his appetite back but he's doing well. He's adorable, smart and doing great! We love him!!
Michelle M.

Hi Jake and Josh,

I hope everything has been going well with you and your family. Sarah and I wanted to give you guys an update on Meelo. He is 1.5 years old now and lives in San Rafael, California with his Kitty brother Valentino. He is such a sweet, energetic dog and he brings us so much joy. We are so thankful to have met you guys and hope to expand the pet family soon.

Justin & Sarah

Hey guys,

Wanted to share some pictures of our boy Clancy on his 1st birthday. He's turned into quite the handsome young doggie. He's brought our family immeasurable joy.

Thanks again,

The Hersh Family

Hi Jake and Josh!

Lulu is thriving and continues to be a source of love, affection and energetic entertainment! She seems to be potty trained now on the pee pads and she likes to go out through the dog door and do her thing in the back yard in the grass.
Our 16yo, Leo, is socializing her, with some annoyance, but we have caught them resting and sleeping together also.
Mary and Fred


Penny is doing great. She’s really developed into a nice young dog. It’s amazing how soft her coat is. She’s definitely a ‘hound' as she’ll be sitting in the house and bolt outside to see what’s out there - she smelled something. As she’s not much of a walker (although she will walk) we’ve set up some very, very low jumps so she can get some exercise without having to ‘walk’. She loves it; well she loves anything involving treats.

Bruce & Penny

I wanted to give you an update. Finn is about a year and a half now. He was from Blondies first litter. I am so in love with him and grateful to you for choosing me to be his mom. Anywhere we go I get stopped and asked where I got him from. I always have such wonderful things to say about you and your family. Thank you again I have attached some photos.
Giovana M

Hi Jake and Josh,

Just wanted to send you a quick Casper update. He is doing really great in his new home and has completely taken over our hearts. He loves playing with his toys and then napping for hours, preferably on one of us, but he'll settle for his bed if he has to. :) Here are a couple of pictures. Will send more as he gets bigger!

Thanks again for everything - we couldn't be happier with our sweet puppy.

Susanna and Erik

Happy Mothers Day!

Thank you for helping to make me a doggie mom. Here are some pictures that we have taken over the year.

We love our Ernie so much. Thank you again!

Krista and Q

Hi Jake,

Just sending some recent pictures of Leon. He is approaching 10 months and is growing beautifully. He is such a sweet and cuddly little guy. Thanks again for such a loving boy.

Hope all is well.

Jennifer B

It’s Dan from Reno. It’s been a while since I sent you pictures of Lucy and Lizzy. That are thriving and doing well. As you can see, they are spoiled rotten and living a life of leisure.

We are glad we met you, and I think our pups would feel the same if you asked them.

Hopefully you and your family and all your pups are doing well.
Kind regards,
Dan D.

We are in love! She is drinking and peeing but not eating yet. When she is active she is so alert and friendly. Thank you so much. I can’t tell you how pleased we are.
Mary T.

Hi Jake

Just wanted to send some cute pictures of Louie. Thank you so much for this gift my life. He’s absolutely the best! We love him so much.
Thank you

Hi Josh,
We are loving Marty! He already knows how to fetch and put the toy down for us to throw again. Going out the dog door to pee is another matter...working on that. And he loves the raw food so we'll keep it up.

He seems ok with the puppy harness and doing short walks around the block.

Nothing wrong with Marty's teeth. Here he is chewing up the Tasmanian Devil
Annika B.

We sure love our puppies.
From Gina and Greg and Chris and Vic
Thank You

Hello Jake and Josh!

Baxter had his 3rd birthday last Saturday and I thought I'd send you a current picture. He is the dearest little guy and much loved. We don't have another dachshund to compare too but if they are all as loving and comical as he is it's no wonder they're so popular - and that the puppies from a wonderful breeding program like yours go so quickly to good homes! Baxter thinks humans are belly rub vending machines, his favorite treat is honeydew melon, he loves his toys and his family - including the new rescue kitties - and, thankfully, he's very healthy. We're very grateful

Happy Spring!


Hi Jake and Josh
Elsa is usually the pin up girl but today Clover wanted a turn and posed for me.

Hi Jake and Josh
Elsa headed off to dog school this morning. She is Almost finished with her second class. She is a smart sweet girl. Everyone loves her.

Hi Jake and Josh!
Here are some pictures of Wanda! I couldn’t have asked for a better puppy, she is such a sweet girl and has a great temperament. Wanda is just about fully potty trained. She loves my 18 month old son. I am hoping to start socializing her soon with other weenies now that she is fully vaccinated and spayed. I started a lil home business selling dog treats, below is my logo with my two Huskies and Wanda.
I hope you guys have a great Sunday!



6 month update:

Nelly is amazing. We are constantly bombarded with compliments about her coat and her temperament everywhere we go. We regularly hear “usually my dog doesn’t get along with other dogs” or “I’m usually scared of dogs and don’t pet them, but she is so soft and friendly”. She’s seriously a blessing.

Objectively, she is 12 pounds solid. 24 inches long from nose to butt with a 9 inch tail. We see 5 distinct colors coming in (white, blonde, brown, grey, and black). Her mane is also growing nicely and not overly bushy in any parts of her coat. She thoroughly enjoys bath time/water of any kind and attempts to jump in with us or in any damn puddle she can find and when inside with stick her face directly in the water. It makes cleaning her considerably easier than any dog we have had in the past.

Subjectively, she gets along with every child (some with special needs, some aggressive petters, some first time dog petters), adults (at her house, in public, and at other homes), dog (from Great Danes that don't move to chihuahuas that bark right in her face and she doesn’t bark back at the dog park with 30 dogs around or alone playing for hours with no problems at all including extremely minimal barking like 10 barks a day total), bird (chases but doesn’t ever harm or bark at), and horse (nose to nose and walking around) she has ever come across. She has even taken her first and second airplane flight with no issues at all (bathroom, barking, nervous) with no pharmacological assistance like the vet wanted us to do.

We have switch protein source to turkey for the past 5 weeks. She is getting 2.5 ounces of raw turkey 2 times daily at 6 am/pm and has BilJac kibble to free feed on. We are considering switching to duck in about 2-3 months as I have read some good stuff. We have streamlined the feeding process while maintaining absolute freshness with vacuum sealed pouches per meal. She has had no stomach issues or any other issues of any kind to date with all itching under control with humidifier and hygiene maintenance.

We really can’t thank you guys enough for caring so much about these dogs to breed them healthy and strong and to pass on all the information to give her the best chance to succeed. Across the board she is the new benchmark for my entire family’s dogs. I have attached some photos below. You can only see her beauty in the pictures but her temperament is by FAR her best attribute.

Cody & Kaitlin

Our baby Charlie is just perfection. Thank you again. He’s the sweetest, calmest, best dog we have ever owned!!!!
The Kadash’s

Hi Josh and Jake.
Hope you are ok. Everything in bloom here and way way too hot. Scary.
Elsa had her first rv ride today. We figured out how to end car sickness. Just close all the people vents and aim all the air conditioner air at Elsa. She gets hot so easy with that thick fur.
She graduated puppy class. She did very good. We start the next level next weekend. Miss seeing new puppies on your web site.

Shannons 'Kisa'


It’s very hard to believe that it’s been two years since Murray was born, and i picked him up in Truckee.
We celebrated his second birthday today here in Miami.
I wanted to let you know he is doing fantastic and is still as always very much loved and cared for.

He traveled with me internationally in 2021 which was a great experience for us both. I had started training work with him very early on to prepare him for flying, and he is basically a frequent flyer now. I went back home to Ireland for 2 months in 2021 so he traveled with me and stayed with all my friends and family there.
Needless to say he was a big hit.

He has also flown with me domestically a good few times.
I have included a picture of him on our Air France flight, as well as us on a remote beach in the west of Ireland called Dogs Bay. (You can Google it to find it) Also you can see a picture of him in Central Park.

I wanted to let you know how he was doing on his second birthday. Hope all is well on the ranch in California.



Central Park:

Miami birthday:

Miami birthday:

Air France flight to Paris:

Dogs beach Galway, Ireland.

Birthday Miami:

Hi Jake

Update on puppy

She is a big girl now

Up and down the ramp to the couch!!!!

In and out of the doggie door!!!

What a delight She is! Thanks


Hi Jake,

I hope you and your family are doing well and staying healthy.

I wanted to share a few photos and an update on the female long hair cream dapple I got from Strawberry & Jokers August 20th litter.

We have named her Jasmine and call her Jazzy. She’s thriving and such a joy! She has fit nicely into our family including with our Boxer dogs, cat and chickens.

It fills my heart with such happiness watching her run and play on our little homestead. I can’t thank you enough for breeding such a fantastic quality dog.

Take good care, all the best,



Just a quick update-Penny is doing great. Loves the mud.


Good morning!

Finny is growing so much and is such a character. The vet said she was 6.8 lbs this week. The first toy she got is still her favorite and she takes it everywhere with her! We are so happy with her! Thanks guys!!

Katie M.

Pic of our Sadie, she is a year old today. Thank you Jake and Josh for this great girl. She is over the top friendly with babies to older folks and is full of energy and playful.
Jim O.

Theodora at 1 year and 3 weeks.

Our forever thanks

Anistacia and Alexander

Hi Jake and Josh,

We picked up Chia on Halloween and she’s been doing so great! She is a sassy and funny little girl. She loves to cuddle and is just the sweetest angel. Thank you for everything!


It’s Dan Dunham from Reno. I got pictures of Lucy and Lizzy tonight. I have not sent you any pics for a while so I thought I would send you a couple tonight. Lucy and Lizzy are thriving and they play hard every day. Lizzy is nearly as big as Lucy!

Always remember that we are happy to give you a great recommendation if you need any customer testimonials.

We happen you have a prosperous New Year.
Dan and Kay D.

Hello Josh just wanted to say Happy New Year and send you a couple of pictures of Ricky Bobby. This is the latest one under the tree . He's awesome we love him to pieces.About 7 months

Just wanted to share a photo of little Pepper on his first birthday! We are so grateful for you guys!

Hi Jake and Josh
Bet you have more snow now. Hope you are all warm.
This is Elsa on her back doing her stare at you come play with me tease. She is such a love.
Have a happy new year.

Good morning Jake, this is Alexander and Anastasia the owners of Theodora! We have some pictures we love to send you she is now a year old and doing fabulous! Theodore is absolutely beautiful and an amazing companion! Thank you

Hi Jake and Josh!

I hope your family had a wonderful holiday season! I wanted to send some updated photos of Genie, who is now a little over 5 months. She's just gorgeous, and the apple of our eye. We're already thinking about a little brother or sister for her in a few years time, should we add ourselves to the wait-list now? Haha!

All the best,
Alex and Dan

Happy New Years!! Milo, Millie, and Moxie.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Thank You


Hello! Little Charlie is doing excellent. He's such a smart little guy. I'm his fav in the house. Wanted to share some photos of him with you both! Thank you for him. He's an angel.
Brianna K.

Our girl, Finnick (Finny), is doing great! She just had her 10 week vaccine appointment yesterday and was all healthy. We have just had the best two weeks with her! She is beginning to become great friends with our other dog and they are inseparable.

Here's some update photos!

Katie M

Hi Jake and Josh,
A puppy update for you!

I brought Archie home on Halloween and he is doing so well! He has the sweetest temperament and is such a good dog, and also the cutest.
We have had lots of family in town over the holiday and he has been the star of the show, my young nieces and nephews played with him and he was great with kids and adults alike.

More pics soon!

Hi Jake and Josh
Elsa on her walk today. She loves to go. She meets her trainer next week and “dog school” starts in January.

Hello Jake this is Vicky from Nevada City I'm sure that you have a lot of people from Nevada City who have your dogs because I see them all around now that I have Gussy I don't know if you remember we were going to get a long hair and I changed my mind and then I called you back and you gave me the little blonde English cream and I named her Gussy and I just wanted to thank you again because she has turned into the love of my life she is the most wonderful dog she goes everywhere with me she has even gone to Phoenix on airplane I was thinking about you I have referred you to many many many people as a very wonderful breeder and I thought that I just would let you know that and tell you thank you again for one of the most wonderful things that's ever happened to me in my life.

Thank you again ,
Vicky G.

PS I have attached a couple of pictures that I have of her on my Facebook she's getting a little more golden and I even am seeing some little spotty spots that looks so cute thank you again.

Memphis is doing great. He is about 100% potty trained and obeying basic commands. He is the happiest puppies. He loves playing all day with his little sister pup and big puppy brother. He loves the cats too but they haven't decided yet how they feel about him. Then cuddles up at night. His personality is precious and keeps me laughing and smiling every day.

Hi Josh & Jake,

Clancy is a little over six months, about 12.75 lbs at last weighing.

He's the best puppy in the world! So loving. Very quiet but loves to play.

Thanks again,


Hi Jake and Josh
Clover and Elsa are inseparable. They love playing. It’s amazing the way they pull each other’s ears and lips and bite noses. You think it would hurt. Elsa is doing so well after her spay, the stitches are out and and loves going on her walks. She is not afraid of cars anymore but does not like dogs barking from their back yards at her when we go by.
She loves being brushed. Clover wants to get in on the action to be brushed too even though she does not have much hair.
They rule the house.

Our puppy is settling in great at home, she's perfect!

Thank you guys so much!
Katie M

I wanted to send you the photo of our sweet boy, Milo in case you would like to put him on your site.

Thank you again for your time today. I can’t wait to bring her home.


Hello Jake
Returned home to Oregon yesterday after visiting family in the San Jose area. Alice is doing great. Thanks for everything!!

She’s doing really well here! Her and her sis are playmates and the babies love her. She has gotten SO much darker since we got her. Cool to see the process and thank you for sharing her with us. Hope you’re well!

Anisha D.

Good morning Jake & Josh,

We hope this finds you and your family safe and well. It’s been one year since we picked up Tako! We just wanted to share with you that he’s doing great; we love him so much - he bring so much joy and laughter into our lives every day. He turned a year old in September, he weighs 11.5lbs now and is a very healthy pup. His favorite place is the beach, and he goes on all of our camping/hiking/road trips with us. Here are a few photos so you can see him grown up!

Warm regards,

Noelle, Chris & Tako

I hope you don’t get tired of me sending pictures of Lucy and Lizzy. Here they are on Saturday resting in the recliner. They are really good pals. We took Lizzy in to get spade and Lucy paced and cried until Lizzy got back home. They play and run in the back yard and come in and collapse on the couch.

If you know anyone looking to buy a dog from you, and you need a recommendation, please give them my number.

Have a great Sunday sir.
Dan Dunham

Hey Jake,

It's been a while, I hope you are doing well. Willy was part of your 4/28/20 liter and he's been doing great. We got evacuated due to the fires over the summer and spent a week with my parents and he really bonded with their male Aussie. He's always been a happy lil guy, but he was having the time of his life playing with his new pal and I've been thinking a lot about finding a buddy for him and am ready to take the plunge. I wanted to see if you have any upcoming liters. Willy is now 18 months and about 14.5 lbs, I'd like his buddy to end up close to the same size. I'd like a smooth coat and am leaning toward another male, but might be open to a female. I'd like the coloring to be different than Willy (shaded red). I prefer traditional colors/patterns.

Please let me know if you have any liters coming up.

- Joe Taylor (red Smooth)

Hi Jake

Just wanted to send you some new pictures of Louie. He is such a good boy. He is very well taken care of. We love him and he has brought so much joy to us. Thank you.
Thank you
Khrystal (B&T smooth)

Hey Jake,

We figured you’d like to see some photos of Nelly! She’s doing great and her personality is starting to show ?? She turned 3 months, yesterday!
Kaitlin & Cody (Dapple long)

It has been a while since I sent you pictures of Lizzy and Lucy. They are inseparable and the best of pals. This picture was taken this afternoon after a day in the back yard running and playing.

They bring lots of joy and lots of laughter to our daily lives. Thanks again for helping us with our dog purchases.

Hopefully all is well with you and your family and your harem of animals.
Dan D


One year ago today this sweet girl came into our lives. She’s a very smart, loving dachshund.

Wishing you well.


Hi guys,

Punky is doing very well! He is such a wonderful and smart little guy! Sometimes too smart…Wanted to send you some pictures to check in! I will send more soon!


Hi Jake and Josh
Little Elsa’s nose is fading. Not so black anymore. She is outside more for daily walks now that the smoke is gone. She hates cars going by. In the back yard she does her sit stay etc well, but is too afraid to do them out front on walks. Too distracted. She walks pretty well on lead but is scared. she will get use to it with daily exposure, she was shaking at first. Now just nervous. She is a good girl. Sweet. Beautiful.
We brought her inside to the den with Clover 2 nights ago. She is doing ok. First night we had to tell her quiet go to bed 3 times during the night. Last night she Slept till she heard Walter get up. We have a noise machine in the room and we put a heartbeat puppy in with her last night. It seemed to help. We are glad she is inside.

Hi Jake and Josh!

Genie had a great first night in the house. She's eating, drinking, playing, and sleeping like a champ. She knows to only use the newspaper in her pen to go potty, so thank you for that head start! I've attached a sleepy photo for you.

Thank you so much again for this beautiful pup. As she grows I'll be sure to keep you updated.

Alex & Dan

Day/ night one went pretty good. Leon has a good appetite and seems happy. He wants to be right next to me at all times or he cries loudly. That is to be expected though as he's scared. My older dog Elliot is a bit put out. He's not aggressive just distant and seems a little sad. Leon is eager for him to return his love. The cat is acting like I brought home a creature from outter space but she will come around.

We just adore him so much and hope the other animal family members come around soon.

Thank you so much for such a happy and healthy little guy.

Jennifer B

I was thinking about you guys today. I wanted to let you know we love Remy so much. He is a very sweet boy who goes crazy for toys. He is also very snuggly. He wakes up every morning and climbs up onto whoever’s chest he is sleeping with to say good morning. Our lives would not be the same without him he sparks so much joy.

Aletha S.

Hello Jake & Josh!

Pickle is 1 year old today! Passing along her adorable birthday photo as well as an updated photo of PeeWee & Pickle together this morning. They are just gorgeous dachshunds with the softest and smoothest coats…..they get compliments everywhere they go!

Molly & fam

Elsa loves her snoopy blanket. It’s not as soft as she is though.
Katherine F

This is Mickey. Such a sweet boy! Wanted you to see how he has grown! He is doing good!!


Hey Jake,
Looks like you guys have been very busy over at Songcatchers. Just wanted to send you some photos of Ringo our chocolate and tan long hair who was born on September 13 last year from Jolene and Joker.
He’s been doing very well and we couldn’t be happier. Classic dachshund combination of fun, loyal and mischievous.


Pretzel turned 1 today! He’s doing great and has been traveling a bunch this summer. He loves his routine at home, but also loves car rides and adventures too. He’s been the best dog and we love him so much!
Sydney and Ryan K

Good evening Jake and Josh!

Last November I drove out to Sacramento to pick up a sweet 4 month old dapple boy. You had thought about keeping him for breeding, but I was SUPER fortunate you got some other dogs and so released him.

He has been a TRUE GIFT. He is really intelligent and can rings bells and do all sorts of commands, he is the most cuddly, loyal little man, always in our laps or at our feet, he is healthy and GORGEOUS. He is great off leash at dog beaches and eats out at patio restaurants like a little gentleman. He hikes miles and is great with other dogs. He is a perfect angel!

He turned 1 years old in August and we celebrated him. My husband and I felt we should also reach out and give you an update and express our heartfelt gratitude.

Thank-you for enriching our lives! Take care.

Julie F.

Thank you again for him!! His name is Arlo and he is settling in well, he is such a sweetheart and I couldn’t have asked for a better pup!

Hi guys!

Clancy will be four months on Sunday and we'll have have him for two months tomorrow.

What a great puppy! So loving and playful.


Sid, Lynne, Jocie and Clancy


Louie’s one spoiled little boy. I love him so much.

Thank you

Hi Jake
These 2 love each other.
Inseparable. Fighter biter play.


A picture of Posey May

Anne H.

Just wanted to check in to let you know that our new puppy is doing well and growing quickly. We are working on house training our little girl and we’re making some progress.

Hopefully all is well with your family and your herd of puppies.
Dan D


Hard to believe she’s almost one. She’s doing well and is loved.


Hi there

Just wanted to send you both a couple photos now that it’s been just over a year since I picked up Becky on August 2. Here’s a picture from her birthday (she didn’t care for the hat) and another from her gotcha day (nap time). She’s a very good dog, and she loves cuddles and naps. Very mature for her age! Hope you’re both doing well.

Reese H.

Jaxson is so sweet. I hope you are safe and not getting too much smoke.


Good afternoon Jake

Just wanted to send a picture of our little Louie. He is so precious. Thank you so much for giving us this bundle of joy. He is doing great. Sleeps all night in his crate and does pretty good using the potty pads.

We are going to work on him bitting and chewing on everything but his toys. Lol. He finds so much more taste and fun with the things he shouldn’t be chewing on.

Again thank you. We love him so very much.

Khrystal and Dallas

Hi Jake and Josh,

We had Clancy at the vet Monday for his 11-week shots and he's now a strapping 6 pounds. He's quadrupled his weight in 3 weeks.

He continues to thrive, loving and being loved more each day. He owns the backyard {and the couch) now!

Thanks again for the great puppy!

The Hersh family

Hello! First vet appointment and second shots today- Smokey is a delight and fitting right in the family! He is either getting up once or not at all at night for potty, and is such a good boy about sleeping in the crate at night.

Will keep you posted as he grows- we all love him!


Hello Josh and Jake,

Just wanted you to know that Dory had her first birthday - she is still the energetic little "diva" you said she was. Loves to take long walks, sniff everything along the way. and get attention from anyone nearby. She is very loving and a great companion. She hops up to the back of the sofa and wraps herself around my neck when I am reading or watching TV.

Thanks so much for bringing her into my life.

Susan W

Hi Jake

Hi Jake and Josh.
The girls are getting along so well. They played gentle tug of war with the blue dog today. Clover lets Elsa take every toy. They are cute together. They look for each other. It’s amazing how Clover brings Elsa her toys. If Elsa wants it Clover gives it to her. Elsa wants anything Clover shows an interest in. Elsa is very curious about everything. Clover wants in Elsa’s crate. Wants to steal Elsa’s stuffed bed time dog. That’s the only toy off limits to Clover. Clover has a big blue rat in her crate that is her bed time toy and off limits to Elsa. They seem very comfortable together. Played gentle tug with a little blue dog toy today. Clover has been pretty cautious about Elsa. Jumps over rather than run into her. No rowdy play yet. Elsa is too young for that. Clover is a muscular girl. Does not realize her own strength so I am glad she is easy with Elsa. We have a crusoe dog Ramp at the foot of the bed and by the couch. Hospital washable pee pads and toys all over the bed and the couch. Elsa’s crate is on the bed till she is comfortable being here then it will be beside the bed.
Dogs rule around here.

Hi Jake & Josh,

Just wanted to drop you guys a quick note to say how much we love Clancy! He's adjusted well, seems to like it here, and can't get enough of us (especially me)! Here are some pictures. Feel free to use them on your website.

Thanks again for the great puppy,

Sid & family

Hi Jake and Josh!
Here’s Panko’s 1st Birthday picture! He is the sweetest boy and we love him so much!


Turning 6 mos in two days…. Thanks Jake and Josh for such a great pup. She’s is loving and very smart, great with all people and with our young grandkids. Loves to play with all dogs.
Thought you might like to see Sadie.

Thanks again

Hi Jake and Josh! Here’s an update on Mr. Frankie! He’s just the best dog. He loves going to the beach and rolling in the sand. I love him so much! He’s brought a lot of joy into my life.

I snapped a picture tonight of the two pups we’ve gotten from you and wanted to share them with you.

Our new puppy, Lizzy, has settled in and is a delightful little creature. She sleeps on our bed and we’re working on getting her potty trained. She has not had an accident on our bed so we feel like we’re making progress. She sees the other dogs go out the dog door and she seems to be getting things figured out.

We appreciate your getting Lizzy to us so quickly. If you know anyone who needs a recommendation, please give them my number. We want to help you find good homes for your pups.

Have a good night sir and thanks again for Lizzy.
Dan D

Hi Jake & Josh

Just letting you know that Dapper Dan and Opal made a very special little puppy! We named her Bette Davis, she loves her big sister Coco and she is such a HAM! Bette is the silliest, most lovable and strong-willed girl ever. We could tell from the minute we brought her home that she was raised with so much affection and attention.

Thank you again and we really hope to see you again one day for our next puppy. Please give Opal and Dapper Dan hugs from us!!

Michelle D

Hi Jake,
Forgot to send you Sophie’s BDay pic. She celebrated #1 on June 22.
She is a perfect dog !!!
Connie S

Here are some pictures of the male I got from you about the 1st of December 2018. Is taken on the 4th of July


Hello Jake and Josh. I just wanted to let you know the puppy is doing well. He is bonding great with the adult dogs. We changed his name to Murphy.


Hello Jake & Josh!

As you can see from the attached pictures, PeeWee turned 1 on the 22nd, and he and his little Sister are inseparable.
God bless your summer, and stay cool with this heat wave!
Molly M

The still shot was taken as she was sacked out on the couch. We got her to drink a little water and a small amount of food. I think tomorrow will be better once she gets her surroundings figured out. Thanks again for getting us this precious little girl.

Hi Jake and Josh!

On Rhodys first birthday I wanted to give you guys an update! He is seriously the best dog ever. We can't thank you enough for our little guy. He is such a big part of our family and still can't believe he is ours.

Here are some pics! He goes camping, hiking and paddle-boarding with us. He is super friendly with people and doggos and is down for all of our adventures. We love him so much.

Thanks again and hope you are well,
Hope and Joey

Hi Jake,

I hope you and your family are doing well! We just celebrated one year with Foxy and I wanted to send you a little update. She has come out of her shell so much, loves to play with other dogs, and adores the beach. I've attached a few photos too!

Thank you again for bringing her into our lives. I'm so grateful!



Thought you’d get a laugh…

All water being reused.



We got our mini dachshund (Ralph) from you guys last November, he was the shaded red born 9/20/2020, and he is the perfect puppy! He has been really responsive to training and his temperament is so calm and sweet, he gets compliments from people all the time!

Thanks so much! I also included a picture of Ralph below :)

Warm Regards,

Sarah and Edward

Hi Josh. Rick and I wanted to share a 1st birthday photo of our beautiful Xena Warrior Princess. We love her so much.


She’s doing well and loves to chase bugs.


Hi Jake and Josh! We are enjoying Zoey so much. She is playful and sweet. Her coat, colors and markings are gorgeous. She is the light of our lives!

Tori and Holly (Reno,NV)


Hard to believe she’s over 8 months old and we’ve had her for 6. She’s grown to be quite the little lady.


Just a note to say hi and send a couple of photos of 1 year old Bella, in Reno. If you remember, we picked her up on July 3, 2020. She was born around April 30, 2020.

Take care,
Kurt G

Hey Jake!

We hope this email finds you well!! We thought you would like to see photos of Glory and Ginger (the 2 red girls you sent in January 2020). They are lovely and such sweethearts!! With COVID we were not able to get them in the show ring as we hoped but maybe in the future when things start to get back to normal we can get them out a bit.

Be blessed!
Joni and Holly

Hi Jake,

I just wanted to send over a few recent pictures of pumpkin and let you know she is doing amazing here! She’s a whopping 11 lbs now. We’ve been talking about getting her a brother so she can have a playmate... let me know if you’ll have any new pups in the next few months :)

Michelle D.

Gabby now lives with us in Burleson, Texas. Getting ready to turn one on May 19.


Hi Josh. Hope all is well. Here is a pic of Hazel. She is the sweetest girl

Hello Jake and Josh,

I just wanted to let you know how well Archie is doing! My husband and I couldn’t possibly love him more! He’s the sweetest and sometimes a little naughty, but he is the light of our world! I hope all is well with you both.

Debbie S

Hi Jake,

I wanted to send you an updated picture of our sweet Tucker. This is him on the right in our new 5th wheel (he really loves camping). He just turned 1 on Sunday and is the sweetest dog we have ever had. We just couldn’t love him enough.

I hope you are doing well…we recommend you to people all the time who ask where we got him

Jennifer L.

Hello Jake thanks for advice on heartguard.
She is very active. Here is a pic of the happy owners. Have a great Sunday.


Hi Jake and Josh,

Hope you’re both doing well. I wanted to give you an update. Finn is absolutely perfect and growing so much. He just got another set of shots and weighed in at 7 pounds. I just also wanted to say thank you for giving him to me. I am so pleased. Below is a picture of him currently. Thank you again.


Hello Josh & Jake!

I’m sitting here having a lazy morning with two of the most gorgeous pups ever born. PeeWee & Pickle are inseparable best friends and the joy of our home....
I hope this email finds the “dachshund farm” having a wonderful Friday morning

Hi! Just wanted to let you know that Waffle is doing great! He is an instigator and gets our corgi in trouble all the time. He shows corgi her favorite squeaky ball and then runs away with it, so she has to chase him. Then she stars barking and gets in trouble for that. He is super funny and very smart.

Alena and Family

Latest photo of Dru. Growing fast !


Hi Jake!
Hope you’re doing well! We are so over the moon with our little Maple. She is doing really well and got a clean bill of health from the vet this week! Thought I would send you some pictures since she is so dang cute :)

Hi Jake - I want to let you know that Pickles was spayed on March 27th and she is doing great!

I have a couple of gripes about Pickles...you didn't warn me that she is a thief and hoarder...lol! We find socks, shoes, and numerous (I mean numerous) dog toys in her bed that she collects throughout the day. She's a funny little girl, she will sneak what she can into her bed and each evening I go see what she's collected for that day. She's a very good girl though and never chews up any of her treasures...she just guards them from other potential thieves.

Also, little Miss Pickles is an avid television watcher!!! However...she is very, very selective in her viewing!!! She does not like shows with children, babies, animals of any kind (read or cartoon), violence or active motion. When viewing any of the above she rushes the TV barking loudly and jumping at the screen...there is no stopping her! Therefore, my TV watching is now limited to shows about cooking and home decorating...which thankfully I enjoy!

Pickles is the sweetest and most loving dog we have ever had as part of our family!!! I must get at least 100 licks a day and she gets at least 100 kisses a day from me and a lot of I love yous!!!

Thank you again Jake for choosing us to be Pickles forever home!

Hello Jake,
I hope you are doing well. Stitch is doing great! He is such a ham and loves to lay on his belly while chewing his toys. He got his boosters and I wanted to reach out and ask at what point can he socialize with other dogs? It’s so hard to socialize him with everything closed so I have had people visit the house to play with him so he gets used to people. Big hugs to both of you! We are loving our new family member.
Michelle & Tejus

Thought I’d send you a couple pictures. Thank you again! Best decision I’ve made. Winston is doing great!


Clover is over 9 pounds now. Doing well in Dog School. She may end up with first prize. She practices and goes for walks every day. 8 months old now. We love her. Cant wait to hear there is a “sister“ on the way for her.

Hi Josh and Jake,

Here are some pics of Oona over the past couple of months- she’s a joy!!

Gabriela S.

As you can see, we finally picked a name. I just wanted to let you know what a sweetheart she is.
Of course, she didn’t like the crate and cried when we went to bed. But last night slept all the way through the night. And even went in it today to take a nap on her own.
She is learning to accept the grandsons wanting to hold her all the time. And our granddaughters FaceTime her.
Thank you so much for letting us have her.
Nancy R

Hi Jake and Josh,

Zoey is so sweet!

Jackson + Walter.. Jackson + Izzy

Hi Jake and Josh!

Georgia is adjusting so well so far! She’s peed, pooped, ate dinner and slept in her crate for a nap! Her and Peyton have been playing like crazy which warms my heart! Here are a few pics abs videos! Thanks again!


Hi Jake, Lucy(Elizabeth) is doing great. She goes with me to the park, to the food bank where I volunteer. My coworkers like to visit with her We love Lucy.

Nancy M.

Hi Jake and Josh,

Hope all is well with you both! Maggie is almost 10 months and we love her more every day. Hopefully, you remember me! My sister-in-law Alicia got Dory and Hank’s puppy and I visited with them in January.

All the best,
Christina L.

PS Here is a photo of Maggie!

Hi Josh this is Ashlyn. I wanted to send you a picture of the puppy! We decided to name her Daisy. She is doing great, we've literally had no troubles at all. Eats her food everyday and is getting better at sleeping in her pen day by day.

Here are some photos of Pepper on his 9 week birthday!



Zoey is settling in just fine. Just got done playing with all her new toys.



Just a quick update. Penny got spayed today and is doing well.


Hi Jake,
Update on Sunny. She’s doing great and up to 8 pounds now. Loves running outside and has learned a ton of tricks/ commands. We really love her. ??
Please put us on your waiting list for a Black and Tan smooth mini so Sunny can eventually have a buddy.

A little update on Jackson, he is doing well. Getting him accustom to our home routine. He is lovely. This is him with Walter. Love them so much.
Thank you so much, grateful.

Hello Jake:

Sadie has been with us for almost three months now and we are really enjoying her. She is very smart, lets us brush her teeth and clip her nails with no problems, and though she barks at Ken a lot, she loves to sit and cuddle with both of us. She loves the squeaky and other toys that we have given to her and has played with them so much, that some of the squeaky ones no longer squeak. She also loves her bed. A recent picture of her in it is attached here.

We are working on her barking at Ken problem and potty training and both trainings are going well.

For now, we wish you and your family all the best!

Carol and Ken

Leo is doing great. He did good on the drive home and is getting the hang of potty training and sleeping in his crate :) He is a sweet and playful guy!


Hi Jake - I, my family and my dog (Olive) can't thank you enough for choosing us as Callie's new family...she is the PERFECT fit for us and we couldn't possibly be more happy with her!!! She is so smart, funny, playful and loving and she is such a good and sweet little girl! Olive and her are best friends and have so much fun together playing, running, chasing squirrels and balls, and guarding our house...I could just watch them for hours together. I hope you don't mind but we changed her name to Pickles as it is just too cute to have Pickles and an Olive...she responded to the name almost immediately.

So far I've gotten her a wellness plan through Banfield Pet Hospital and will get her pet insurance, Healthy Paws, once she is spayed as the premium will be much less at that time. She has had her teeth cleaned, which went very well, and will be spayed on March 27. The staff at Banfield think she is such a sweetheart, which she is. Below is a picture of her taking a nap with me...she is my little love bug. Thank you again for trusting us to provide Callie aka Pickle with a good, safe and loving home! I think you would be very happy to see how well she has adjusted and how quickly she became a part of our family...we do adore and love her.


Hi Jake + Josh,
Jackson is settling in well with Walter + Izzy.
Carol S.

Hi Jake and Josh!

We named this little guy Pretzel. He has been so great and is so spoiled! He is so chill and loves to cuddle under blankets, but he also loves to play and gets the zoomies daily. He goes with us everywhere we can take him and sits patiently in his “car seat.” He is still a grazer when it comes to food which is so different than the other dachshunds we have had, but it is great! Thank you again for such an amazing dog. We love him so much!

He will be 6 months in two weeks and he loves the BilJac puppy food.

Thank you,

Sydney and Ryan

She's all grown up now and we love her so much! She is the spoiled princess of the house. She is such a cuddle bug. We also have given her all her shots, as we waited until she was an adult to get the one that was considered painful for puppies, so this couch potato is healthy and safe. She's sweet and on her walks has made several friends, she is never aggressive. We love this little girl!
Sydney S.

Good Afternoon,

Penny is doing amazing; it's crazy how smart she is (when she wants to be). I keep thinking how big she's getting relative to when we got her but everyone else says how cute and small she is. I had two questions I would appreciate a response to if I may ask.

1. Penny is 6 months old today. If memory serves, you suggested getting her spayed at 6 months and not waiting for her first heat or did I get this backward? Our vet is after first heat but will do it before if requested. I just wanted to confirm your thoughts.

2. Second, do all dachshund's like to bring sticks inside and chew them?!? It's one of Penny's favorite things to do; next to me chasing her for the stick. I do get the connection but even if there's no chase, in they come.

Hope everyone is well.


Hello Jake,
Sorry, it's been so long but I thought I should give you an update on Dory. I started calling her Honey as a term of endearment but then it just stuck so I officially changed her name to Honey. She has settled into my house so nicely. We go on walks daily, which she loves and she loves to chase the squirrels in the backyard. She is warming up to people more and more every day. She has been attached to my hip since day one, like you said she would, but we are working on crate training and so she is becoming more independent and doesn't need me for everything. She is such a good dog and I am so happy she is in my family. She had a vet visit today and got a clean bill of health from the vet, I will be scheduling her spaying appointment very soon. Here are some photos of her over the past few weeks. I am so happy with her and I love her so much. I hope you have a great week.
-Sloane D


It seems crazy to think this little pup is 1 already. We made a bit of a fuss of him on his first birthday :) he was loving the attention. I got him a dog treat cake for his birthday. He was not a fan of it so it ended up in the trash but at least we got some good pictures....

Just wanted to check in with you and let you know he is doing fantastic.

Hope all is well with you.



I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for giving me the best thing that’s ever happened to me! I purchased from you guys last April and we Just celebrated his 1st birthday. Jamie is really the biggest ball of life, he is so loved, and happy. And it’s hard to picture my life without him, so thank you guys from the bottom of our hearts, for they are sooo extremely full.
P.s everyone that sees him falls in love, so I try and refer everyone to see you guys!

-Taylor & Jamie

Dear Jake,
We just cannot believe our little girl Buttercup turned one this month!
It seems like yesterday that we picked her up from you at age 8 weeks. She has grown into a simply gorgeous little girl, and as sweet and good as ever. As you can see, she is quite the cuddler, and also a little clown! She has brought more love and joy to our lives than you can imagine. Thank you again!
Susan, David and family

Hi Jake

Just want to share a few photos of
Lollipop. She is so precious to us. So smart, funny and beautiful

Mary G

Hi there! I just wanted to check in and share that our puppy, who we named Oliver, is doing GREAT! He is sleeping through the night, eating well, and adjusting to our family environment beautifully.


Hello Jake,
Thank you so much for inviting us over today to visit the puppy. We are so excited to have this little guy join our family! This was the best way to spend Valentine’s Day and we sincerely appreciate you for raising such wonderful little pups!
We are so happy.
Michelle &Tejus

Hi Jake and Josh!

Wanted to send an update on Lottie, Belle's black and cream longhaired female puppy born in October. She has been doing great! She is incredibly sweet and playful and doing so well. We just wanted to send over a thank you for her along with a few pictures.



Hi Jake,

I hope you are well. I’m sending a 6 month update. Luis is doing fantastic. He’s a big boy now and is going to be neutered tomorrow. I just wanted to say what a great temperament this dog has! He’s so eager to be trained and such a fast learner. He’s doing great on leash and he has a very good recall in open spaces. He’s a smart and fun loving doggo and gets along with our kids so well. No biting or nipping even during crazy playtime. He also loves his crate and spends his time there, without any issues. We couldn’t have asked for a better dog for our family! I’m sending a pic from the beach - one of his favorite places :)


Hi Jake,

Happy New Year! This is Wendy M. Gus is our little Black and Tan guy born in 2018 from Pistol and Laney.

Gus is doing great other than not understanding why he’s not getting many pets from admirers during the pandemic. Poor thing!


Hi there! Just wanted to send a picture of our cute Bonnie.

Shelli and Brian

Hello Jake and Josh! Hope all is well for you guys! Mia is in good health and quite frankly, she is loving her new home. She has a big extended family and everybody loves her. I’m sending a couple of photos so you guy’s can see how much she has grown. Take care.

Ken and Alicia

Hello Jake & Josh!
Just popping in with a fun photo. PeeWee & Pickle are absolutely inseparable, and the happiest pups!
Wishing you guys a happy weekend ahead...


Winnie had a good first night. She slept through the night, and has been eating and pooping well!! Everyone loved her at the senior homee with my mom.


Waffles! First time in the snow!

Alena and family

Figured You'd like to see how Oona is doing! We love her so much. She is definatley not a chill dachsie like Ophilia was! She keeps us busy!! Shes spoiled rotten!


We recently had a request for some refernces and we reached out to the first people on our list to provide some. We wanted to share the kind references they provided and are greatly appreciative of the wonderful homes our customers provide for their new family members.

"Good Morning, I understand you are considering purchasing a puppy from Jake Zanocco. I can assure you that he is a great guy to deal with and his dachshunds are of the highest quality. We looked at numerous websites to find the right puppy and we were lucky enough to find Jakes website which showed all the available puppies. We picked one out on the website and drove to his place in Nevada City and took a look at the puppy we saw online. We fell in love with her at first sight, and we picked her up when she was old enough to leave her mother. She is a smart, active and lovable little creature, and we are very thankful that we found Jake and his puppies. She is a great addition to our family, after having lost two or our dachshunds last year to old age. Jake is honest and will answer any questions you may have about the puppy you are about to purchase. He’ll advise you regarding their care, their diet and medications. In short, I would highly recommend that you get your puppy from Jake. You’ll never be sorry you drove to Nevada City to buy a puppy from him. Please feel free to call me if you have questions.

Dan D."


"Dear interested party,

I would highly recommend Songcatcher dachshund. We purchased our amazing puppy Bonnie (attached) back in November. Josh and Jake were amazing the entire time. They sent us weekly pictures of our puppy and we’re quick to respond to any questions. Another thing that made us comfortable with Songcatcher, was payment was not collected until we picked up our puppy at a safe/neutral location. Below is my phone number if you want to give me a call.



"Josh told me you were considering them as your breeder for a new weenie pup. If you would like to call me, feel free. (XXX) XXX-XXXX. You will also see in the client gallery the updates and appreciation I’ve sent with photos of how Songcatcher has blessed our lives. I searched from our area in Washington to the east coast and back in search of a reputable and caring breeder. We lost or 18 1/2 yr old dachshund a little over a year ago and replacing her was a very big emotional adventure for us and our daughters. After getting taken for a ride by one so-called breeder and losing our deposit, I was hesitant to even keep searching. I came across Songcatcher and honestly only clicked the link because I really liked the name.??. Little did I know my email would be answered right away by Jake, and then excellent communication from there on out with Josh. They answered all of our questions all of the time and even called our puppy by name until we made the 16 hour drive south to pick him up. Josh met us at our hotel and was very professional and thorough with our precious delivery. They emailed 3 months later when our requested second puppy had been born and the same exceptional communication and happiness rang through with puppy #2 as well. My husband flew this time to Sacramento and back in one day and Josh met him at the airport for the exchange. Both our puppies, PeeWee & Pickle are not only healthy, but ridiculously loving and absolutely gorgeous! Our vet fell in love with them and said “you did good wherever you got these two”.

I’m attaching a picture of our babies from just this morning. They are best friends.

If I could afford it and had the patience for more pups I would get back on the waiting list and go through this process over and over again with Jake and Josh and their dachshunds.

Again, you can call me if you want to - we are in Washington state and anytime after 3:30 is fine - be sure to leave a message as sometimes my phone won’t ring at the house but it will tell me I have a voicemail and I can call right back. Email anytime is fine too.

I hope this was helpful for you in making your decision.


Jake, Josh

Happy New Year and All the Best in 2021!

Sadie, Carol, and Ken

It's Sharon (Jessica's mom) Just wanted to say happy new year and let you know how many blessings your puppies have brought our family this year. Óscar is a delight and such a character, he is a great match for rumbling and tumbling with our cattle dog. We just had Jessica and "Baby" for a visit and they are just the cutest things ever. Baby just follows Jessica around and they both just love each other so much. PS Óscar just got neutered and all went well, although it was sure difficult to keep him "quiet" during recovery. He is such a gorgeous dog, although hard to get him to hold still long enough for a picture

Hi Jake,
Sunny is up to 6 pounds now and doing great!

Tim and Erika


Growing into a big girl, 7 months and meeting snow.


Hi Jake and Josh!
We wanted to wish you both a Merry Christmas and give you an update on Panko (Valerie’s Cream Male). He is doing really well and has acclimated to our daily routines. We think he’s about 99% potty trained. He rings the bell by the door to let us know he needs to go out to do his business. We also have him sleeping in the crate at night since Thanksgiving and we have put away the x-pen.

Panko loves the water and thinks he’s a retriever. ??

Have a safe and joyful Christmas!


I haven’t sent you any recent pictures of our Lucy but I thought you might like this one. It seems Lucy likes hiding under the tree. If we can’t find her we just look under the tree and there she is. She is certainly a fun family member these days! We thank you for helping us in our search for a puppy, and Lucy and our small family wish you a very Merry Christmas.
Dan from Reno

Just wanted to share with you our puppy "Bonnie" is growing beautifully. She is super playful and a great cuddler. We are so happy to have her in our lives.

Brian and Shelli

Hi Jake
See how shiny Clover is now. Her fur has thickened and is very soft. She learned shake hands with both paws in the last 2 days.


Penny is settling in and relaxing. Happy and growing; over 6 pounds. Only surprise we’ve had so far is her leaping and jumping ability. She just launches sometimes. I worry about her back but there’s no stopping her. Oh, and she can’t have enough crinkle toys ??


Hi Jake
Clover is getting very good at letting us know she has to go out. She gets very agitated and bites at us without biting. So we ask do you have to go out and she runs to the back door. Weird way to let us know but we are glad she is telling us. She goes out comes in and settles right down. She seems to love her raw but cooked diet. She is very good in the car. Good in the crate when we are working and cant watch her or cant take her with us.
We are so glad the new food helped her so much.

Hi Jake and Josh - wanted to say hi and send some pics of Zoey!

She is just the best! She loves to play and give kisses, she loves treats and showing her belly when she’s excited :). She and her brother Dario became very fast best friends and they love to play. She has seen the vet twice and is well taken care of :).

Hope you both and all the Dachshunds are doing well!

Happy holidays,
Heather, Brock, Dario and Zoey

Hi Jake and Josh,

We hope this finds you both well and enjoying the holiday season. The puppy we picked up from you about a month ago, whom we’ve named “Tako” (means octopus in Japanese), is doing so well - we wanted to share an update with you!

He’s 12 weeks now and weighs 5lbs! He just had his 12 week check up and is a healthy, growing pup! He’s great with everyone he meets, and obviously everyone loves him.
He’s added so much fun & joy (and mild exhaustion) into our lives, and we’re so happy to have him. He’s so smart, and I especially love how snuggly he is. His spots are still there and actually becoming more defined as he ages!
Thank you again for this little guy, we love him!

We hope you have a lovely holiday.

Warm regards
Noelle, Chris & Tako

Hello ! I wanted to give you an update on our 6 1/2 month old boy, Remy Lebeau He is an absolute sweet heart. He sleeps in the bed with my husband and I. His favorite toy is a stuffed duck which smells horrible and is almost torn to shreds. He hates baths and doorbells. He is sneaky and will steal any food that you leave unattended. He is loved by the whole family and we cannot imagine life without him


Good evening Jake. We are so in love with our Princess Lollipop. (Lolli). She is perfect. Thought I’d share some early photos. As she grows I’ll update you on her markings. She gets lots of naps in our lap.

Here are a few extra. She is stunning.


Zoey is so pretty! She is 10 lbs at 6 months. She’s very spoiled. Thank you again!


Dear Josh & Jake,
I feel overwhelmingly blessed that our paths have crossed, and I will forever recommend you as the only dachshund breeder with exceptional communication, wonderful client service, and most of all GORGEOUS PUPPIES!! We set out on the quest to find two perfect pups of specific color, and you guys not only made this a reality, but our dachshunds are so healthy, so happy, and absolutely beautiful! We get compliments everywhere we go on how good looking they are.....hope it doesn’t go to their heads!??
On November 22nd we brought baby Pickle home to meet her big brother PeeWee, and they’ve been inseparable ever since??
Celebrating our first Christmas with our new pups thanks to Songcatcher - we can’t thank you enough!
Included some fun pics of them hanging their first ornament on the tree, and also their favorite part of each weekday - riding to pick up their big sisters at school??
With so much appreciation,
The March Family
Mike, Molly, Mickey, Abby, PeeWee & Pickle

Hi guys!
I wanted to email you and let you know that the boy is doing great! I think he is one of the best dogs I have ever had. Didn’t complain once on our drive and has been so great at home. The biggest sweetheart and of course a beauty. Thank you for what you do and thank you for our little boy. We named him “Million” ( Millie for short)

Thank you!

Waffles is settleing in his new home.

He really wants to play with our corgi.

Alena and Family

Hi, Jake.

Just wanted to share a current photo of our girl Bean. She is doing very well and now weighs 11pounds. We all love her to bits!
Thanks so much,

Tootsie is 6 months now and has been spayed. She is 9 lbs now. When will she be fully grown. She is a joy!

Roger E.

Hi Jake and Josh,

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Kenny and Alicia, are interested in a smooth-haired dachshund puppy. (They fell in love with Maggie!)

Can I please give your email to them so they can get in touch with you?

Thanks so much!


PS Here's our family photo for this year--Maggie is front and center--the best thing about 2020~!


I wanted to let you know how Murray is getting on.
He moved with me to Miami back in August and he loves it here. He came with me in the car all the way, although we took it slow and stoped in a number of places along the way.
I was envying him as he was asleep most of the way here when we were driving.

It took him a little bit to settle into the new place but he is doing great now. I literally can’t walk down the street without people smiling at him when we are out on our daily walks.

Training went really well with him and I can literally bring him anywhere with me now which is great. He dines out with me here in Miami all the time. People just love to be around him and he is so gentle and kind to people and other dogs.

Anyway he is doing great so wanted to let you know. I can’t imagine daily life without him. I’ll send you another update closer to his first birthday in February.

Hope all is well there with you and all the dogs at the ranch.



Josh & Jake,

Miss Pickle, much like her big brother, is an excellent traveler! She and Mike arrived back on time, and PeeWee got to meet his baby sister at about 10pm. After a quit bite to eat, she slept all night in her crate.....such a good girl! Big breakfast this morning and has been playing ever since! She is so tiny!!!
We are so happy - thank you!
With appreciation,
The March Family

Want you to know that Sophie is THE BEST DOG !
She loves going to the small dog park here in Healdsburg and is the darling there.
She will get spay in December. I spend the winters in Mexico and she will be with me.
I have given your website to numerous folks who have seen her.
Enjoy the holidays.
Connie S

Hi Jake
Clover has discovered my early christmas gift and absolutely loves it. I can see some competition for my blanket.

Hi Jake,

Luis is doing great! He’s incredibly smart and catching on so quickly. He’s well on his way to being house trained (no accident in a week and he’s potting on a cue word!), he already knows hit Sit, Down and Come commands. He’s a bit nippy with the kids. Gets very excited with them almost immediately and starts biting for fun. We need to work on that:) He’s hilarious while chasing his own tail (which I remember my family doxie used to do as well, and it’s the funniest thing ever).

He’s getting his booster shot this Friday, so we can start venturing out a bit more. I’m attaching a photo where he jus learned that he can actually lay down and sleep outside of the crate too on his favorite toy:)

Hope you are well!

Penny’s doing great. Growing like a weed. Over 4.5 pounds. She’s also a sun seeker; loving to sleep in the sun. I’ve never know dachshund to be jumpers but if I’m sitting on the floor she’ll run up and leap into my lap as well as always jumping over legs and toys. We’ve really enjoy having her in our life.

Bruce and Christine

Hi Jake and Josh,
Here’s an update on Sunny. She’s doing great! Eating sleeping pooping peeing and playing well. No problems so far. We are all so happy.

I was heading to work and could not find Lucy. Apparently she wanted dry sleep a little longer. She is a joy to have in the family. Hopefully all is well with you, your family and the dogs.

Hello! I just wanted to send an updated picture of this beautiful puppy we got from songcatcher two years ago! I believe her father was Endeavor and her mom was Jasmine if I remember correctly. She’s such a beautiful and sweet girl!!

Thanks Again!


Hi Jake just wanted to show you some pictures of Max he's doing really well and we just love him to death he'll be 17 months old in about 9 days. We came up to Indian valley for 2 weeks and we were going to bring him by so you could see him but we got evacuated in 3 days so that didn't happen maybe next year.


Hi Jake and Josh

Penny is still doing great. Housebroken and playing fetch (which is crazy for this young). We wish she ate more but she is eating with the ceasars. She’s getting more brave by the day and loves going under the ottoman in her play area. Can just squeeze under the edge but can stand up once under.

Best Bruce, Christine and Penny

Hello Jake!

Well, I'm a really bad photographer but I just had to send these. Baxter is 18 mos old now and his winter coat is coming in with lots of little 'feathers', which I guess will become more long coat areas in time. Last year his body and chest were still quite smooth. The changes in his coat (combined with his short legs) have made him into sort of a reverse dust mop! The leaf pile in these pictures comes from 1 (yes, one) potty trip outside. So comical !!! He's getting used to being gathered up and combed as soon as he comes back in (cookies help) but even so, thank goodness for my cordless vacuum, which is certainly getting a workout.

This little guy is our darling, we could not possibly love him more ??

Hope all is well with you and that the coming holidays will be wonderful for everyone at Songcatcher!

Warm regards, Lee

It’s almost a week since we got Luis from you. He changed so much since then! He’s so playful and active (though not in the mornings as he doesn’t like to be cold and is very lazy until 11 am). He eats very well and potty training is going great so far. After a week of training he does a great job of doing his business outside and he learned to react when he’s called by his name.

Sending you a Halloween pumpkin celebration with him! He’s already a big chewer so got to be careful with those shoes!

Thanks for giving us such a fun little goof ball.


Hi Jake!!!

When I saw your name, I thought it was you! Wow. I can’t tell you what an amazing disposition Ophelia (Ophie) has and how lucky I am. She’s the biggest hit everywhere she goes and makes everyone smile. She’s THE BEST!!!!

She is such a beautiful and loving dog, and very well trained and socialized, and pretty much comes everywhere with me. She was always able to be off leash in safe places because she has fantastic recall, and was easy to train (I spent a lot of time on that- very important to me).

Now that she’s going to be 15 Jan 1st she’s deaf and her sight is going a bit, but she’s still cooking and very busy and I still get stopped and told how beautiful/cute she is all the time. Her nickname is Bridget Bardot.

Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life 14, almost 15 years ago!!

Gabriela & Ophelia (Ophie)

Hi Jake and Josh.

Penny is so amazing!!! She’s so happy and playful. It’s super early but she’ll go to her pee pad all by herself. She’s eating well and loves her crinkle toys.

Proud Parents,
Bruce and Christine

Hi Jake
Clover ate a little breakfast but acted hungry and ate a good lunch. She is having a ball with all her new toys. If she chews something wrong we say no and she stops right away and we praise her and direct her to a toy. She is going on the pee pad well. She is a happy little wiggle butt. Nice to see that tail wag.

Hi Jake & Josh,

I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know that we are enjoying our new little puppy (Una) SO MUCH!!!! She is a sweetheart and full of joyful puppy energy. At first our 6 year old dachshund (Zero) was indignant about the new addition, but as of Friday she has decided that Una is a great new playmate!

Thank you so much for giving us an amazing new member of our family. Attached are some pictures of her, she has grown so much already!!

Kind regards,


Thought I’d send you a picture of Lucy doing what she does best—sleeping and snoring. She is such a precious little girl and so smart and so much fun. If you ever need a referral please have your potential customer call us.
Dan D

Our beautiful girl is 8 pounds, constant energy and very loving. She is a fast runner and loves outside.

Thanks for great breeding. Kathy

Hi Jake:
I wanted to send an update - Leo is such a sweet playful guy and we love him so much. He is great with our kids, and honestly I’m not sure how we would have made it through all these pandemic months without the distraction of having a puppy to fuss over.

Thanks again for giving us our little Leo! Hope all is well.

Hello Jake & Josh,

We pray the fires around you have been contained. Now if we could just bring rain to all the western states - Oregon has never seen fires like these!

PeeWee gets his booster today finally!! He is just amazing!! I wanted to send a few pics.....

Blessings for your weekend :)

Little Miss, is fitting in perfectly. She is such a good girl. We named her Poppy. She is eating good and no accidents in the house. And sleeping all night in her crate.


Jake & Josh,

Just had to pop in with a few photos and a quick update - PeeWee is eating like a champ, never had runny stools, and is doing awesome with crate training and sleeping all night. He got his first bath today and loved it!
The pictures tell the rest.....we love him so much ??
Molly & Family

Hi Jake:
I wanted to send an update - Leo is such a sweet playful guy and we love him so much. He is great with our kids, and honestly I’m not sure how we would have made it through all these pandemic months without the distraction of having a puppy to fuss over.

Thanks again for giving us our little Leo! Hope all is well.

Jake & Josh,

I just wanted to let you know that little PeeWee is a champion road tripper!!
We had such smooth travels with him! His time was split between the girls, & Mike & his crate - thank you so much for giving that to us!

Attached are a few pics of our trip??
Thank you for blessing our family!

Gabby is thriving! Great personality and such a fun little girl.

Hi Josh, it's Rick and Seana. Just wanted to update your family. We named our beautiful baby girl Xena Warrior Princess. She is eating, playing, sleeping and doing well with her potty training. We love her outgoing personality.

Hi Jake,
I got my wonderful wired hair from you over a year ago- Walter. I see from your web page all your pups are spoken for but wanted to reach out. I want to be on your waiting list. Would love a cream or another wired hair or another puppy with a wonderful temperament, to grow up with Walter. No rush but want to put a deposit down. Hope you are all well. Walter is amazing. I’m really in no rush but feel fortunate to have gotten Walter from you. Sincerely, Carol

Lucy from Reno is growing quickly. She is smart, funny, energetic and a valuable member of our family. We took a picture of her tonight sitting in front of the fireplace. Oddly enough, it is stormy and cold here in Reno. Thought you might like to see Lucy at her best—resting and relaxing at home. Thanks again for all you’ve done for us.
Dan D

Hi Jake,

I wanted to send you a couple up to date pics of Tucker….he is such a love!!! He is as mellow as can be…in fact I call him my mellow fellow. We are taking him on a week long camping trip to Oregon next month, he will have had his last shots so we can go on walks on the beach etc. He and our other dog, Georgia get along great!

We just couldn’t be more in love with him!

Hope you’re doing well!

Jennifer L.

Hi Jake and Josh!

I just wanted to let you know that we soo delighted with Archie! He’s everything we were looking for in a puppy. He’s playful and outgoing and so smart! He’s catching on with house breaking and doing well with sit and come commands. Our other dog has fully accepted him and they’re so funny when they play. Thanks again. He’s perfect. Here are a few photos so you can see how beautiful he is.

Debbie S.

Zoey loves her bed, especially her stuffed kitty. She ate good! We get lots of snuggles from her and she started playing too. Thank you again, she is very smart and we love her very much! We leave her crate bed open in a big 2 ft high pen when sleeps. She is happy here

. Phyllis

Hi Jake,

So sorry this has taken so long to get off to you! Just wanted to let you know that your adorable sweet girl (now named Molly) is doing wonderfully! We picked her up from you on June 13th and fell in love with her immediately. She has been the very best thing that has happened to my mom throughout this whole pandemic. She truly has the run of the house and is mom's best friend. She has the best personality and lovingly greets everyone that sees her. She has completed her second round of shots and is now able to be out in the backyard with my mom - she loves it. We could not be more grateful for all of your help in finding her the perfect little pup. I will continue to forward some photos as she grows. Thanks for bringing so much happiness into our lives, Molly is a blessing!!

Sue H

Hi Jake and Josh,
I just want to let you know how wonderful my pup is doing! We named him Archie. He did very well on our long trip home. The first 45 minutes he was nervous and did vomit a few times, but after that, he settled down. We brought a new large cheap litter box and placed a puppy training pad in it for him to relieve himself in. He used it twice!

He’s adjusting well to his new home. He’s eating well, loves his crate and his toys. Took his pill this a.m. too.

We couldn’t have asked for a sweeter puppy. He’s happy and playful and outgoing. We’re all so in love!

Here are a few of the many photos we’ve taken. We’ll continue to touch base periodically so you can see him grow.

Thanks for our new family member!
Debbie and Galen S

Hi Jake,

I wanted to send you a pic of Tucker…he is so darn sweet. He seems to be very happy and is super playful with his big sister Georgia (picture below).

Were just in love with this little guy!

Jennifer L.

Hi Jake & Josh,

I meant to send this update about Stevie Nicks when she turned one, and well, life got in the way. I guess that's what happens when a puppy takes over your life. So here's a 15 month update instead.

I just wanted to let you know how much I love my sweet/sassy little girl. She has such a great personality and mostly listens to commands (when she wants to).

Of course she is spoiled rotten, but she wouldn't have it any other way. I like to tell people that it's Stevie's world, we are just living in it. Everyone who sees her instantly falls in love.

I keep contemplating adding another to family, I'll let you know if I finally want to make the plunge.

Attached are some pics of her living her best life.

Thanks again,
Brianne E.

Here are a couple of pictures of our Lucy. She loves her back yard and the green grass. As you can see, she loves bed time as well. We are sure happy you saved Lucy for us. Have a good weekend sir.
Dan D

Dear Jake,

We could not be happier with our precious new puppy, Buttercup. She is absolutely gorgeous, with beautiful markings, super long, floppy ears, soft, big paws, and a coat that feels like silk velvet.

She is also super smart. She came to her name and fetched after only one day, and her housetraining is going super well.

Most importantly, she has the sweetest personality of any puppy I’ve ever had. While she is super playful, she is also really mellow, and loves to snuggle, give kisses, and have her belly rubbed. She gets along perfectly with our other two dogs, and with all of the children, including our one year old.

We can’t thank you enough for all the advice and support you’ve given us. You have been totally available to help and answer questions.

Thank you for this darling new member of our family, who we are all totally in love with. I would highly reccomend you to anyone looking for a mini dachshund.

Susan and David D

Josh, just wanted to let you and your family know how "Zoey " is doing! We started out with the name Daphne, but learned real quick it didn't fit! Duke is our babysitter and the two are extremely bonded. Had to buy new bed to fit both, didn't like the two cute ones I bought, they didn't fit together! She was to be my dog, but Jim can't resist getting up with her, so Jim has two on his lap! Here personality is strong, loves toys, loves digging, very kind as the vet would say! She is very long and starting to change color. She has been a true blessing and such a joy. Reminds us of our lacy we lost three years ago. Thank u for a wonderful sweetheart!


Hi, Jake, Today makes a year since I drove to your house and picked up Hope to bring home to Oregon. She is now my cuddle bug, snuggle bug, love bug, stink bug, doodle bug, etc. I think she is about 13 lb now. We get to the beach most days and Hope runs off leash if there are no people around. She loves exploring the rocks at low tide and running to the bottom of the bluffs and exploring amongst all the driftwood. I hope all is well with you and yours and just wanted to thank you again. God is good and I know this was his plan for all of us.

Thanks, Donna

It’s Dan D. from Reno reaching out to let you know Lucy is doing well and turning into a great little girl, and we love her more every day. She has only barked a couple times, and that was when our lawn guy was in “her” yard. She sleeps on the bed with us and has never had accident. In the picture she is sitting on a patio chair in her new walking collar. She loves to go for walks with her brother Sam. Hope you don’t mind an occasional update. We are grateful we found you and Lucy.
Dan D.
Reno, Nv

Ruby is doing great! She is very happy to be in our home. She no longer runs from the cat. She is so sweet and loves to sit by you on the couch.
She loves sunning on the back deck and is best friends now with our other dog, Odie.

Thanks for helping her come into our lives.

Maria R

Hello Jake,

I hope you and your family are doing well. I wanted to share a few photos of Ollie. He has been such a blessing to us. Hope you got our small thank you package. Have not taken him out on the kayak yet but he has had on his life jacket, and has been on the kayak in the garage. I am sure once we are allowed to go out more people will be asking me where I got him from do you want me to let me know about your puppies or adult dogs? He will have his first vet visit this Friday.

Many Thanks,
Lisa & Ollie

Hi there! I hope all is well. Here is our Heidi. She was born 2-2018. We love her so much and she makes us laugh every day. Be well!

Dianne G


Just wanted to let you know that things are going great!

He is absolutely adorable!

He really settled in today and we have a good routine going.
I decided to take time off work so that I could spend as much time with him as possible over the next few months and get him acclimated well, so don’t worry he is in great hands.



Hello Jake,

Hope everyone at Songcatcher is doing well and enjoying the spring weather!

Baxter turned a year old this week and I thought I'd send a new picture. Looks pretty comfortable, doesn't he? He was excited to get a 6 pack of his favorite Lamb Chop squeaky toys, and a handsome new collar.

He got a new chew bone too, but it's hard to tell if he really enjoys those since what he mostly does is run around looking for hiding places for them....over and over again! None of his hiding places would fool anyone because he finishes up by dragging blankets or pillows over them. Impossible to miss the little treasure pyramids he builds, but I do my best to pretend.

Warm regards, Lee

Hello Jake,
I want to give you an update on Ottis aka Magic, and ask you for an address seeing I would like to send you a little thank you.
He is sleeping all night in his create and comes in my bed in the morning to snuggle. (no training needed) He has rode in the bike basket a few times and did great. He is wonderful on leash (no training needed) just working on him sitting at coroners and went I stop to sit too. He got the hang of the dogie door the first day and has had no accidents in the house so I do not need any barriers to block him from the carpet areas. He is so smart and has been adjusting so well we can't thank you enough. He is a bit skittish of my parents but I make him interact so I am sure he will come around. As you stated he can care less about toys and he is not food motivated when training him, but loves his praise. He was so funny when he first saw himself in the mirror is his very vain and wanted to play with himself. It is been so fun watch him have new experiences and us both learning on the way. We just love him so much. I only hope he will be OK once we can get him around people more when he is on his walks he now stops to barks at people or dogs passing by but when I tell him it is OK he settles down. Ottis is getting the sitting and staying down too. He teeth look great I waiting for his toothbrush and toothpaste to come in is he used to have his teeth cleaned and ears cleaned? I just concerned seeing we are home all the time he dose not get separation anxiety but we have been trying to leave him along and thus far he has done great. He goes into his create during the day but I have to tell my daughter to let him be on his own they both want to be with each out all the time. I want to thank you once again he has brought such joy to our home in this darken days.

Many thanks
Lisa, Mya and Ottis

It’s been a while since I sent a picture of Lucy, but this one is from this morning. We were building a green house, and of course Lucy helped move screws and parts. It must have worn her out because she couldn’t wait to get in on her “comfy” couch for a nap. She is an absolute Sweetheart and we are grateful we met you and got her. Have a great day sir.
Dan D

Hi Jake wanted to send a pic of max he is 9months old now what a great dog he is maybe this summer we will bring him by to say hi hope.all is well we.love him.

Mark and Paula

Hi Jake:
We are in love with our little cream long hair, now named King Leonidas, or “Leo” for short.

He didn’t eat well the first 24 hours, but this afternoon his appetite seems to have picked up. I think he is settling in and feeling more comfortable. He is so friendly and curious and such a sweet guy.

Thanks again!!

Our girl is doing great in San Francisco! We named her Sonny. Perfect addition. Thanks again.


She's absolutely perfect. Tthank you so much Jake and Josh!!!!! She will be spoiled forever

Lori Ann

She’s becoming a big girl and is healthy and happy. She gets so spoiled because she’s so precious!
Sydney S

If you had any concerns about how well our Lucy is doing, the picture shows she is enjoying a life of comfort and leisure. She has gotten long and has the large paws and ears that you talked about when we first saw her. Once again, thanks for helping us with the new addition to our family. She is a delight and a wonderful little girl to come home every night.
Have a great evening sir.
Dan D

Hi Jake,

My boyfriend Karl and I picked up a puppy from you in August, he was the Julia/Dreamweaver litter born on May 21 2019. We named him Rocket. Just wanted to let you know how well he’s adjusting to life in San Francisco with his 15yo dachshund brother. He’s such a sweet boy, great with people, kids, cats and all other dogs. Has taken a few puppy classes and is so smart. We really lucked out with his amazing personality! We love him so much. Thank you!!!

Jehn and Karl

Hello Jake -

Steve and I are loving Wexie. She was named after one of my sister’s favorite cats, Wexler, and Steve created a website, Wexie.com, which my sister never used. So our Wexie is well prepared for future internet success.

She is smart and has been wonderful! About 10 days after we got her home and she had had another set of immunizations, the vet said to take her out in our backyard only for potty training. After a couple of days, she has been doing really well. She is sweet and a beautiful. Thank you!

We really appreciate that you raise such beautiful and wonderful dogs, and your willingness to answer all of my questions.

Thank you so much!

Joanne H.

Hi Jake, I wanted to drop in to give you an update on our pup - he is doing great :) . He cried for about 20 minutes after we left your home but settled down easily, and, didn’t get car sick on the way home. He’s settling in incredibly well, he is a little explorer. We have set up a potty-area for him and he has not had a single accident yet. He runs from across the room to go to his spot when he needs to ‘go’ - I am so impressed!
We have an appointment for his next shots on Monday. Still haven’t quite decided on a name... his personality is coming out more and more so we’ll see what sticks :)
Thank you again - he is such a beautiful little dog!

- Stacey

It’s Dan Dunham again from Reno. Kay and I got Lucy from you the latter part of October, and I wanted to send you a few pics to show you how well she is doing. She has adjusted well to our calm environment and lifestyle, as you can see in the pictures. She plays hard with Sam and collapses on the couch. She sleeps with us on our bed and is completely house trained. Thanks again for saving Lucy for us. Have a good evening sir.
Dan and Kay D

Hi Jake!!!
Just wanted to send you a note to let you know how loved our puppy is!!! We adopted the shaded red wirehaired puppy on January 11th. We named him Rusty and he just fits right in with everyone! His new best buddy are a white fluffy cat! He is my little shadow and I just adore him. I will upload some pictures to send to you. Thank you so much for everything! Rusty is just perfect!!

Michaelle M.

Hi Jake,

I am writing to let you know that I could not be happier with the little guy that I received from you last December – Louie. I don't believe it's possible for any living thing to have more personality and zest for life. "He's sheer joy" were my vet's words. He's alert, wonderfully active, curious, super smart – and also sweet, calm, responsive, and very friendly both with people and other dogs. I'm happier with him than I could have imagined. I'm very happy that I was referred to you; happy that I waited for him; and happy that I didn't let the distance between our homes keep me from choosing him.

I also want to acknowledge that it was such a pleasure to work with your son Josh as we were sorting out the transfer details. He was so kind, responsive, professional, and in position to meet me at the airport well in advance of my flight. Louie was clean, healthy, shiny, and calm right from the start. An airline security person, 2 flight attendants, and the guy seated next to me on the plane all asked if they could take his photo. ( : He spreads joy and exuberance everywhere he goes.

So anyway, thank you. Thank you very very much. Blessings on you and your family.


Hey Jake. The pups are doing fantastic!

Justin A.

Hi Jake,
Just wanted to let you know that the babies are doing well. They may look similar but they sure are different in personality! One is a lap baby...isn't really wanting to be anywhere else (Glory). The other is a little race car, doing zoomies all over the house and loves toys (Ginger)!
We h ave named Glory "Songcatcher Classic Inspiration" and Ginger is "Songcatcher Classic Celebration." We are crazy about them and want to say how hopeful we are as to their prospects. We will keep in touch as they mature and let you know what the judges think of them when they go out to their first shows this summer.
Be blessed,

Classic Kennels

Hello Jake, and best wishes for a good new year to come!

Thought I'd let you know how we're doing with our first dachshund. Since we've always had herding dogs we are often surprised by Baxter's reaction to things but we are learning that it's all about the nose for him? At 9 mos and 14 lbs, our vet thinks he's about done growing, very sturdy and muscular. He has a lovely coat, nice dentition and bite as well.

We take him everywhere and another surprise was how many people would come up to tell us they have or had a dachshund, or know someone who does, and share their opinion of them. There doesn't seem to be a lot of middle ground - people either think they're the most wonderful dogs ever or they don't like them much. When we first got Baxter it was a bit scary to have that negative input - impossible to potty train, don't like people much, inclined to be snappy, dig and bark incessantly, don't get along with other dogs, etc. Since NONE of that is true about our little guy I just laugh now and let those folks see for themselves how awesome he is!

Baxter is awesome. Healthy, loving, handsome, playful, comical and yes, a bit spoiled because he's so darn cute we just can't help ourselves!

Best regards, Lee J

Hi Jake,
Just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with Greta. She is so smart and a good watch dog. She is the cutest dog I have ever owned and her housebreaking is going very well. She has made me so happy in this difficult time I have been going through. She is a lot smarter than my previous dachshund who I loved dearly. So glad to have found a breeder in the area.
Happy 2020 to you and yours.
Ginny A

Our Lucy is really doing well. We appreciate your help in finding the perfect dog for us. She is an absolute Sweetheart and she gets along well with her brother Sam. Sam is 14 and still plays hard, but Lucy does wear him out after a long playful day. Lucy decided to take a Christmas nap. She is certainly at peace in her new surroundings. If you ever need a recommendation please reach out and get me in touch with your prospective client.
Thanks again and Merry Christmas.
Dan D

Someone won’t be having a Blue Christmas. Hope is adjusting well. She loves eating whipped cream out of the spray can with her siblings and is now challenging the Mastiff on the other side of the fence when she gets a chance. She used to run for the hills, but now she is mighty and fierce as long as no person is on the other side of the fence as well. She can now catch food coming her way, Yum. She is dawning a Jingle bell collar til’ New Years, as is the Butcher tradition for all canines from Thanksgiving day on. Hope you have a great Holiday season. Still progressing in her social skills with still a ways to go. We meet up with Matt and Hootie often. Take care, Donna and Hope Diamond Doodle Bug.

Hi Jake! Just wanted to let you know that Waylon absolutely loves the new little guy! We’ve been keeping a close eye on them, given the size difference, but they spend most of their waking hours playing or snuggling together. Will keep you posted on their adventures.

Marti and Alan

A year ago today you came to Truckee to bring me my sweet little dog.” Yeti “ is doing very well and we love her more everyday.
Our Phoebe is doing quite well for 15 years old.

Oliver is one in a million, Jake. He is learning so many words, now. Today, he finally understood “wait” at the top of stairs for me to get there. He is so funny, having a definite sense of humor. He laughs at me quite often, and makes me laugh at myself. He now likes to retrieve two balls, carrying one in his mouth, while kicking the second with his paw. Rather remarkable.

I have been scrap booking, looking at my history with dogs, including the 4 Guide Dog puppies I raised in 4-H. We had pugs and mastiffs on the ranch. Oliver is above and beyond any dog I have ever known.

I have been thinking about a sister for him. But, I could not do justice to two. Just a year ago, I slept for the first week holding him in my chair all night. I was so worried Terry would never, ever bond with a dog. How silly. The hours of training are paying off. And, Terry loves Oliver as much as I do.

I just bought Ollie a martingale training collar. He is responding well. It seems he is more responsive than with a regular training collar. I like the design. Still a choke collar, but a little different.

Carry on with your amazing pups. I am so glad I found you and Oliver. You never know when we might decided we need another.

Merry Christmas,


I got my red “Pistol Packing Pete” from you , and boy was he ever named the right name. I love my with all my heart, even accused of loving him him more than my husband and kids. Truth be known, I do. lol. Thank you for your time happy holidays to you also...

Hello, it's been two weeks now and our puppy Xena has felt right at home. She was very shy the first two days but has since opened up and is a little rascal. Her personality is lively, sweet, and quiet. She's a little bugger and we love her so much already. She has her own bed, a little harness we use so she may get used to it and not run around when she goes potty, and a playpen with her toys and bed big enough for us to sit in and play with her, in addition to her crate, which she will go to in the mornings and curl up in while everyone gets ready for work. It's her safe den, and it's cozy.

I can't wait to take her on walks once she gets all of her shots. We will not be getting the lepto vaccine, she is an indoor dog and it can be painful to pups. When she got her last set of shots she was sore and cried and it freaked us the hell out in addition to breaking our hearts.

Below are some pictures of Xena, doxie princess, settling in.


It’s Dan and Kay D. again from Reno. Just wanted to let you know that our little Lucy is doing well these days. Her brother Sam is a great teacher and they play hard all day long. As you can see, they sleep well after a hard day of playing. They sleep on our bed every night and Lucy gas adapted much quicker than we’d expected. Thank you again for what you did for us.
Kind Regards,
Dan and Kay D.

Hi Jake, Ollie is a delight. Sweet and playful. Just who our other dog and the household needed! Thank you!

Paula F.


It’s Dan and Kay D. from Reno reaching out to thank you for the beautiful little Dachsund we got from you on Friday. As you can see from the pictures she is well acclimated, and it has not taken her long. Our older Dachsund Sam is very good natured and they play hard and sleep soundly.

We’ll check in periodically and give you updates on our little girl. I will also post a nice review for you on your web page because I want others looking for a great little Dachsund to get their pet from you. Thank you again for helping us find the perfect Dachsund. We have named her Lucy and she is wonderful.

Kind Regards,
Dan and Kay D.

Hi Jake,

We are at the coast again. Oliver is the hit of the entire town. Oh my, he gets compliments at every step. He takes it all in stride. So adorable.

We met some super people that are at the RV park we are in. They are from San Diego. They have two small dogs that are so well cared for. They just spread the ashes of their long haired dachshund recently. They did scent work together. Very nice people.

I showed them your website and they were so impressed with your breeding stock. They said they are looking for another long hair.

If they contact you, I could say they seem to be very lovely people. I told them to tell you they met Oliver. Actually, he wasn’t out the door of our rig and they were coming across the street to meet him. He made you proud, as he was calm and so polite to their dogs. Jake, he is not a normal dog. Much more human than dog.

Just wanted to let you know. We tell everyone about your beautiful dogs, but, not everyone is ready to expand their family. I think you may hear from them.Thanks!!!!!


A Good Wednesday Morning, Jake!
I thought you'd like to see little Garby...who is now a BIG boy!
His tail all of a sudden grew 20 feet...or so to catch up with his long
body. Such a fun little guy, loves to play, and an excellent watch dog!
So good! He, in his puppy-ness. LOVES drip lines and sticks, and leaves,
etc. So thankful and glad to have him. And, he is enough different from my
little Dugan, that he has gained a very special spot with me, with German
Shepherd Bo,.(they get along so very well), and with the ranch and its
visitors. A super fun little man!
By the way, he will be not so 'manly' in about 2-3 weeks... :>)
Again, thank you so very very much and thank you for your kindness!
Much joy. Garby's mom, Ethel


Hi Jake just a quick note to say hi and max is doing wonderful he's 15weeks now a little spitfire he has brought us so much joy.

Thank you so much, Mark and Paula V.


I have watched you continue to breed and raise some beautiful animals. It was a stroke of luck that we were able to buy our Tobi from you.
He was not our selection, but a selection you made for us. What an animal he is turning out to be. Tobi is extremely powerful. He has to be
to wrestle with our 75 lb ranch, pit bull terrier. And he can hold his own. Tobi is powerfully built now weighing about 16 lbs at 9 months.
He is flat, board, backed and very wide and strong across the shoulders. He carries a wide heavy hind quarter. Of course kind face and eye. He seldom gets
two ft away from me day or night. He cannot snuggle close enough to me all night long. Plays hard and sleeps hard. Tobi would have made a
great sire. A great quarter horse trainer once said to be a stallion a horse had to be totally over done. Maybe that's Tobi. He is outstandingly built
everywhere you look at him. He is such a kind and loving animal that I cannot but forgive him for the shoes and belts that he has destroyed.
I can replace the shoes and belts, but never this little dog. I trust that you will continue to make others as happy with your quality bred dachshunds
as you have made me. With gratitude and highest regards,


Hi Jake, looks who's 6 months today, Gordon Tigger F. He weighs 12 lbs. and is beautiful. We are having so much fun together, just got home from the Oregon Coast. Gordy loved running on the beach and playing in the water, he thinks he's a water dog. He also loves riding in the car. I've had severial compliments on his build and long ears. I remember you telling me he would have long ears. Gordy loves everyone and he's not a barker. I'm thankful, I found you and your puppies. Gordy is amazing and has brightened my life. Donna F.

Hello Jake:
We are truly blessed with your dachshund creation ??. He is smart, affectionate, confident and easily trained in everything! Every day is enjoyable with this little puppy.
Thank you
Shar V.

Good Morning, Jake,

I just can’t thank you enough for your kindness and patience and for raising such an amazing little guy. His name is officially Garby and he is a very busy little guy! Very very fun, fetches, loves squeak toys, and is almost potty trained…poop is the hardest one to get him to go outside consistently…but we’re getting there. And, he is quite the watch dog…barks at strangers and even barks at the yard cart if it’s out of it normal place! :>)

He is truly a gift, and I thank God for him, and for you!!!!! I’ll send you a couple pictures of him soon.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ethel H

Hello Jake,

It's been a month since we got our Baxter so I thought I'd send you an update. He is 10 lbs, healthy, full of fun, loves people (big and little), rides great in the car and has learned to like his crate - but not his playpen since that's where he goes when I'm busy around the house and he thinks I should let him help :)) As far as we can tell he's fearless, and he's also VERY determined (okay, stubborn) once he sets his mind on doing something!

Our dog yard is big and there are oak sticks everywhere. I throw them for Baxter to chase while we're out there and a couple weeks ago I noticed that he always came back with the stick I'd just thrown. Not one of the other 1000 or so sticks in the yard, not the stick we played with yesterday, but the exact stick I'd just tossed. A few days ago I started throwing the stick without making sure he saw me do it. Jake, he's not even 4 months old and he hunts until he finds the right stick, is that a Dachshund thing?

Anyway, we really love this little guy, thanks so much for holding him for me! Best regards, Lee J

Hey Jake,

My wife & I picked up a female dachshund puppy from you on June 5th. I just wanted to send you an e-mail to give you guys a brief update and thank you for letting us adopt her.

We named her Lemon. On the car ride home she slept the entire way without a fuss and she is absolutely sweet to everyone she's met and adores our older dog. Our older dog is taking some time to warm up but she is getting better by the day and they've played together every night since we brought her home. She just had her second round of shots and was very good about it.

Overall Lemon is everything we wanted and the perfect addition to our family, we are so grateful you held her for us.

Thanks again,

Hi Jake, I want you to know how thankful I am to have found Gordy and you. He will be 5 months old the 5th of July and he weighs 10 pounds now. Gordy has brought me so much love and happiness , he is perfect. Several people have commented on his looks and how beautiful his head is shaped. He loves road trips and the perfect gentleman inside the car. I love it everytime I hear his short little legs running through the house. So far he's not a barker, I've only heard him bark 3 times. Jake thank you again and again for allowing me to have one of your beautiful puppies. My world is so much happier with Gordon Tigger in it.

Donna F


Good Morning, Jake,

We just got back from the vet…Dr. Garberson…who said he is in excellent health! So thankful…and grateful to you for raising such an excellent puppy. He is a ball of energy…amazing! So much fun…oh to have that energy again!

And thank you for the tip to not ‘answer him’ when he whines and barks…

Love this little guy…who I think the name will be Garbie (after Dr. Garberson)… Tyler doesn’t seem to fit him (wanted to name him after your road).

THANK YOU so very very much for your kindness and for all of your help and encouragement and understanding! He’s a keeper!!!

Much joy,

Ethel H

Hi Jake,

This is Wendy M. We picked up our little Black and Tan male, Gus, last October.

I just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with Gus. He is the friendliest dachshund we’ve ever had. He loves people and gets excited when we go for walks, usually rolling over on his back to try and get pets from people passing by. He went to many high school lacrosse games this past Winter/Spring and became the unofficial mascot! He travels well and will join us on road trips to Southern California and Carmel this Summer. He spends time with all of us in the house, but does favor our daughter, which was exactly what we wanted. She’s the main one that feeds him and he usually sleeps in her room at night.

Here’s a few pics of Gus:

Hi Jake,

I am so grateful to have this little boy in my life. Walter has such a vibrant personality, he is also the best at cuddling. Everyone that meets him falls in love. Thank you for giving me an amazing pup, I will definitely be referring people your way! Hayley P.

Hi Jake, Sixteen days and counting. Hope is doing great! She is more relaxed when going out every day. She loves the car rides. She is now my little "doodle bug", added to the rest of her name Hope Diamond Doodle Bug. She has become my grooming supervisor, much like her predicessor Snickers. She hangs out while I bathe and groom dogs. Small scale for the moment, slowly building clientele. Enjoy the pics. First attempt at the back pack. Hope to be able to pack her while I walk Maveric. Last pic of Maveric, Myniko, and Hope hanging out in the back yard. Her and Myniko are hunting rats ( I assume) in the yard together. Thanks again. Donna B.

I have been wanting to correspond with you for quite sometime to let you know how much we love our sweet little girl we got from you this passed December.
I was definitely worried about getting a puppy so soon after we lost our “Yoda” and Phoebe being 14 years old. But as you may remember as soon as I came down to meet you and the puppies that sweet little girl had my heart. She is doing so good, we are relieved that the tough Truckee winter is behind us and we can enjoy long walks at last without having to put a coat on.
We just returned from the coast, Monterey Bay Area, enjoying the beach for a few days, it was great for all of us. Hope all is well for you and your family, including all your furry family members.


Hi Jake, Things are going fabulously. Hope met our other Rottweiler, Laela, when I got home and everything went smooth. Amazed at the cat scenario. That was one of my fears and it went unbelievable smooth. She has followed MyNiko around and watched him jump up on things and she has very little reaction to him. I see them snuggling for cat naps in the future. Hope you enjoy this pics. Haven't been to the beach yet, but maybe later today or within the next few for sure. The empty spot in my heart is filling in with my new snuggle buddy. She wants me to pick her up and sits on my lap when watching tv. Pics are from our first night in the hotel room. I can never thank you enough, but thanks again.

Donna B.

Hi Jake, I am thankful for my new best friend. I never thought I could love another dog like I did Fred, but I do. Gordy has made me so happy, he is a stinker, but I wouldn't change a thing about him. Thank you for allowing me to have one of your puppies.

Talk to you soon. Donna F

Hello. After the death of our 13 year old dachshund "Penny", my wife and myself were not sure if we wanted another dog. We really loved and miss our Penny, and was sure we would be dissapointted in another dog. Our veterinarian clinic highly recomended tou to us and told us about an informal dachshund club. We got invited to a play day and were surprized that a majority of the doxies there were Songcatcher dogs. They were all stunning, regal and beautiful. Even though we were strangers, the songcatcher dogs were crawling in our laps and showing us their bellies too pet. Soon after that we adopted "Meena". Our little Meena is now a year old, she is everything we hoped for and more. We can thank you enough for all your advice and help.

Sincerly, Nick & Alice B.

Little Tobi has been with us a full week now and every day I continue to be amazed by him. I have owned dogs for the past
75 years, sometimes one often two. I have had some pretty good ones, but I have never enjoyed any of them more than this little
7 1/2 lb pup who has just kind of touched our hearts. He amuses us 24/7. He seldom ever wears down, but when he does he is the
most loving, docile little fellow you could ever want to be around. Smart as a whip. He inherited a basket full of puppy toys and he adores
everyone of them He will go to the basket and bring you one of the toys. Every time you throw it he will retrieve it and bring it back to you every time.
More amusing is that a number of the stuffed toys squeak and he has learned how to bite each one of them so it squeals the loudest. He will stand on his hind
legs even without treats. He just wants to please us and he doesn't need a treat to be persuaded to do anything. Seldom ever an indoor accident.
After just one week he will wee and poop outside 95 percent of the time. He is starting to communicate a desire to go outside and I recognize most of his signals.
He is starting to understand a few of the things I tell him and I think it is just a matter of time before he understand most of what I say to him. If I had
to pay for the entertainment he has given us, I probably couldn't afford it.

Sincere Thanks and Kind Regards~ Robert W.

Thought I'd send you an update on Huck. He is just about 10 months old now. He is cute as can be and so much fun. He is now in puppy training class. I have to admit that he doesn't look exactly how I expected he would. I would call him a soft wire, or a cross between a wire and a long hair. I run a shedding comb through him periodically so he doesn't look so wild. He's also bigger than a mini. I would call him a tweenie. He's now almost the same size as my Havanese (who he pesters relentlessly). The two dogs are relentless diggers. Huck loves water. He doesn't mind going out in the rain, he has a wading pool in the summer, and he doesn't mind his bath.

He is an absolute love bunch. I'm trying to teach him not to lick my face. But he is a very affectionate boy. He is the absolute love of my life.

Thank you for such a darling dog~ Jessica B.

O.M.G. Oliver. Are you sure you bred a dog, and not a new and unique lifeform?

This guy is just too much. We are at the coast again. He is a star wherever we go. People stop us. They cross the street to ask about him. A lady wanted to take a picture with him. And Oliver just takes everything in stride. He is a rock solid rock star. I am looking for a surfer shirt for him to complete the look.

He is doing well with housebreaking and leash work. He LOVES going in the RV. He is home as long as he is with Terry and me. Please, kiss Jasmine for me. I love her and Endeavor for producing this sweet little guy. If you have a picture of Jasmine and her pups, I would really like a copy for the wall.

When we get the right beach picture, I will send one. Again, Thank you for the best Christmas present I have received in my entire life. My Oliver.

Cheers ~ Joy

He has been home about 3-4 hours and kind of taken over the place. He adopted me right away and he now wants me
to pick him up and carry him everywhere. I never knew a little pup could be so cute and so smart. I have loved all my dogs,
but, I can see now see what I have missed all these years by not owning a dachshund. They have a personality like no other.
I may call you for another some day.

Thanks so much ~ Bob

Hi Jake! Just wanted to check in and let you know how our new little guy is doing. We’ve named him Waylon and he fits in perfectly! You did a fantastic job with him; he is incredibly friendly and doesn’t seem to know any strangers. Everyone who has met him can’t seem to get enough of him!

Thanks so much for working with us and meeting Alan in Truckee. He is really enjoying his new little buddy and although he isn’t Cooper, we see a lot of him in Waylon.

Thanks again! ~ Martina


We have settled in as if Oliver has lived here his entire life. What a fantastic little guy. Not sure the word DOG applies to him. He fetches repeatedly. He walks perfectly on a leash for his age. He shows attention to each of us equally and has shown fear of nothing. He is such a sweetheart. Oh, he seems to know the word“wait” and has gone potty twice on command, it is just uncanny.

Thank you again. You are always welcome to visit. ~Joy H.

I am 83 years old & have had dogs all my life. After my old lab died I wanted a smaller companion. I formed in my mind exactly the dog I wanted & started the search. When I saw the pictures of Jake's red litter I knew I had found the right ones to pick from. I drove up to see the pups. I don't believe I have ever met a more helpful & concernrd breeder than Jake. His pups were in perfect health with shiny coats, great conformation, good teeth & great personalities. I found the exact puppy I had formed in my mind. The pup is very inteligent & bonded almost immediately.

I highly recommend Songcatcher Dachshunds.. ~Gene M.

I wanted to send you a little update on little Jim Dandy that you so graciously placed with me. He’s been affectionately renamed Reginald Seamus, but we call him Reggie for everyday use. He is my little shadow who spends all day at work with me and is constantly trying to sneak into my bed. Often, he succeeds and is quite the snuggle bug. His other nickname is Houdini because he is always trying to escape from his kennel! He loves his toys and is surprisingly gentle with them. He has brought me great joy since he’s come into my life.

Thank you so much. ~ Kali S.

My mother Linda, aunt Elsa and myself visited last summer and purchased a wirehaired female puppy and a smooth red puppy. My mother and aunt live in England and are AKC carded judges. We were extremely impressed with your knowledge of genetics and nutrition, and with your incredible dogs. When you found out they were AKC show judges, you allowed us into your kennel! Even though you do not show your dogs yourself, both my mother and aunt agreed that any of your dogs would do well in the show ring. These two ladies are not easily impressed. I have since referred four other people to you looking for show prospects.

Thank you so much. ~ Cassidy E.

My wife and myself are small animal veterinarians. Over the years more than a few Songcatcher Dachshunds have come through our practice. All have been beautiful, well socialized and healthy. Last year we visited you and adopted two half brothers. You have a first rate operation, with large park like yards. All your dogs are super friendly and healthy. Your expertise in nutrition, breeding and genetics is amazing. Together my wife and myself have close to 40 years of veterinary experience, and will only refer customers to you if they are looking for a small dog.

Best regards. ~ Dr. Pat Simon DVM

My daughter Cindy was diagnosed with severe multiple sclerosis when she was 11 years old. She was wheelchair bound and had always wanted a Doxie puppy. At the time of her diagnosis, we could not afford a quality puppy. The Make-A-Wish foundation urged us to contact you. They said you have helped other children like Cindy. When we spoke, we were hoping for a calm puppy to help comfort Cindy and sit on her lap. You suggested a more playful pup to help her get moving and out of the wheelchair. You were so right. You sent us a little wirehaired boy with a lot of character. Within a week of having Sparky, Cindy stopped using her wheelchair. Even on bad days Sparky keeps her moving. Cindy now competes in 4-H obedience shows, and they have a wall full of ribbons and trophies.

God bless you. ~Sally O.

At my practice, I have seen quite a few Songcatcher Dachshunds come through over the years. All have been impressive, to say the least. I even adopted an English cream female I named Molly from you as a puppy. She is stunning, regal, and beyond loving. Three of my family members have also purchased puppies from you, and I am looking forward to adopting another myself. All of them are healthy, well socialized, stunning dogs. I'm honored to refer anyone to you, as I know they will get the best dog possible.

Thank you. ~Dr. Doug Times, DVM

Hi there, Oliver is a rock star. It is as if he has been with us since birth. We have been gone a week now in the RV. Our trip depended on Oliver’s ability to adapt to RV life. Oh my. He has learned everything we need him to do. Oliver has learned so much. Leash work is also amazing. He waits for me to attach his leash. He loves tracking. I may think about special skill and see if there is a tracking group available. On our walks, we are routinely stopped with smiles and sweet comments. He gets attention wherever we go. I am noticing many many dogs that behave badly compared to our rock solid Oliver. His behavior is all due to your upbringing. Whatever you are doing at Songcatchers produced this amazing dog.

Thanks so much! ~Joy, Terry, and Oliver

Thank you so much for this little guy. We love him so much and so does his younger basset hound sister. His name is Mr. Bundles (long story) but he has already started wrestling with Chloe his sister. Oh and he can hold his own.

Thank you again we love him to pieces. ~Shari

Just wanted to check in and let you know how our new little guy is doing, we named him JoJo and he is doing fantastic. He has an awesome personality and gets along great with our new kitten Simon who is six months old. He's very well socialized and extremely friendly, we got a harness and a leash for him and up and take him on walks in the neighborhood and he's doing very well. He fetches repeatedly shows attention to everybody and fears nothing, he such a sweetheart and we can't thank you enough for the new addition to our family.

Thank you again- Dan H.



All text and photos contained within this website are copyrighted by Songcatcher Dachshunds. NO text or photos may be reproduced or used for any reason including but not limited to promoting a puppy or adult purchased from Songcatcher Dachshunds unless written permission has been give by Songcatcher Dachshunds. Legal action will be taken against anyone violating these copyrights.